查看全文    HTML 冬春季低温期大棚茶园覆盖转光膜的综合效应
Comprehensive effect of greenhouse tea gardencovered with light conversion film during lowtemperature period in winter and spring
中文关键词: 大棚茶园  转光膜  产量  品质
英文关键词: greenhouse tea garden  light conversion film  yield  quality
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(21271074);广东省教育部产 学研结合项目(2011B0940010);广东省科技计划项目(2012B03 1000027)
唐颢1、刘晓瑭2、陈震东3、唐劲驰1、黎健龙1 1.广东省农科院饮用植物研究所、广东广州5106402.华南农业大学理学院、广东广州510642 3.佛山安亿纳米材料有限公司、广东佛山528143 
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      以露天茶园尧普通膜大棚茶园为对照、研究了冬春季低温期大棚茶园覆盖转光膜并配合补充CO2气体 的生理生态效应。结果表明、转光膜的保温尧增湿效果稍优于普通膜。覆膜期间、1~3 月棚内平均气温比露天茶园分别 提高2.8~3.4益尧3.1~3.9益尧1.3~1.9益、平均湿度比露天茶园高5.0~10.4 个百分点、保温增湿作用显著。覆膜大棚的光照 强度较露天茶园降低7.9%~30.2%、转光膜的透光率比普通膜略低、但转光膜大棚内茶树净光合速率尧气孔导度尧蒸 腾速率显著高于普通膜大棚、略低于露天茶园。转光膜大棚内、茶树新梢萌动期尧春茶开采期比普通膜大棚提前6~7 d、比露天茶园提前23~27 d;转光膜大棚茶园明前茶产量比露天茶园高51.2%~56.2%、覆盖转光膜并补充CO2 使春 茶总产量比露天茶园增加33.3%、克服了以往单纯覆盖农膜导致春茶产量下降的缺陷;冬春季低温期覆膜对全年茶 叶产量无不利影响。茶园覆盖转光膜有利于碳同化作用、水浸出物尧茶多酚尧可溶性糖含量增加、可促进茶汤的浓厚 度尧甜度。茶园覆盖转光膜后、棚内小气候变化对假眼小绿叶蝉尧茶蚜繁殖有一定的抑制作用。
      Taking open -air tea garden, greenhouse tea garden covered with ordinary agricultural film as control, studied physiological and ecological effects of greenhouse tea garden covered with light conversion film and supplement of CO2 gas during low temperature period in winter and spring. The results showed that the effect of maintaining temperature and increasing humidity of light conversion film was slightly better than ordinary film. From January to March, compared with open-air tea garden, average temperature of greenhouse increased by 2.8-3.4益,3.1-3.9益,1.3-1.9益, average humidity was higher than open-air tea garden by 5.0-10.4 percent. Compared with open-air tea garden, light intensity of greenhouse decreased by 7.9%-30.2%, the transmittance of light conversion film was slightly lower than ordinary film, but the net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate of tea tree in greenhouse covered with light conversion film were significantly higher than those in ordinary film greenhouse, slightly lower than those in open-air tea garden. Light conversion film combined with CO2 supplement could significantly increase photosynthesis of tea tree and tea production. In light conversion film greenhouse, tea shoots sprout stage, spring tea start picking period were earlier than ordinary film greenhouse tea garden by 6-7 days, earlier than the open-air tea garden by 23-27 days; compared with open-air tea garden, yield of Mingqian tea (means tea produced before Ching Ming Festival) increased by 51.2%-56.2%, spring tea yield increased by 33.3%, it overcome the defects of covering film solely resulted spring tea production declined in past. Greenhouse tea garden covered with film during cold period in winter and spring had no adversely effect on annual tea production. Tea garden covered with light conversion film was conducive to carbon assimilation, water extract, polyphenols, soluble sugar content of tea increasing, so promoted strength and sweetness of tea soup. After covering light conversion film, climate change could inhibit reproduction of tea leafhopper (Empoasca vitis Gothe) and tea aphid (Toxoptera aurantii Boyer).
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