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Cultivation experiment of covering withinsect-proof screen for cowpea
中文关键词: 豇豆  防虫网覆盖  防虫效果  质量安全
英文关键词: cowpea  insect-proof screen covering  pest control effect  quality safety
基金项目:海南省科学事业费项目(琼财预[2009]71 号);农 业部野948冶项目(2011-G13-5)
冯学杰、吴月燕、邓长智、李雪峤 海南省农科院蔬菜研究所、海南海口571100 
摘要点击次数: 1433
全文下载次数: 579
      豇豆产品最大的质量安全隐患在于防治蓟马尧豇豆荚螟等害虫所使用化学农药的残留。为探索适于海 南气候特点的豇豆安全高效生产模式、保障豇豆产品安全供给、利用防虫网覆盖平棚栽培豇豆、物理阻隔害虫、最大 限度减少农药使用量。设5尧2.5尧1.67 mm 防虫网覆盖栽培3 个处理、以露地栽培为对照、从防虫效果尧生物学性状尧商 品性状及产量等方面探讨豇豆生产中覆盖防虫网的功效。结果表明、豇豆覆盖防虫网栽培效果显著、其中以40 目防 虫网覆盖栽培效果最佳。
      The biggest safety problem of cowpea production is chemical pesticide residue by treating thrips, cowpea pod borer and other pests. In order to explore safe and efficient mode of cowpea production which is fit for climate characteristics of Hainan, ensure the safety of cowpea supply and minimize the use of pesticides by using insect nets in cowpea cultivation, we set 5 mm2, 2.5 mm2 and 1.67 mm2 pore of insect nets cultivation as three treatments and none as control in terms of contrast in effect of anti-insect, biological character, fruit commodity and yield production. The results show that 2.5 mm2 pore of insect nets of cultivation is the best
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