曹彬、黄长礼、王国红.植食性昆虫诱导的挥发物及其 在害虫防治中的作用[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(10):85-89
查看全文    HTML 植食性昆虫诱导的挥发物及其 在害虫防治中的作用
Herbivor-induced plant volatiles andits application in pest control
中文关键词: HIPVs  释放机制  害虫防治  应用
英文关键词: HIPVs  releasing mechanism  pest control  application
曹彬、黄长礼、王国红 福建师范大学生命科学学院、福建福州350108 
摘要点击次数: 1313
全文下载次数: 630
      植物受到植食性昆虫为害后、会通过间接防御途径产生和释放一种挥发性气体(HIPVs)、HIPVs 对植食 性昆虫及其天敌具有重要的调控作用、对于害虫可以起到有效防治作用。HIPVs 的释放机制主要分为JA 和SA 两种 信号途径、不同植食性昆虫会诱导不同信号途径的激活。主要从种植抗虫栽培品系尧应用转基因植物尧人工释放合成 的HIPVs尧利用外源性化学物质等方面综述了利用HIPVs 进行生物防治的现状、可为进一步开发利用HIPVs 进行农 业防治提供一定理论基础。
      In response to herbivores, the plants could produce and release HIPVs (Herbivore-induced volatiles) in an indirect pathway. HIPVs play an important role in the regulation between herbivores and their natural enemies, and also have preventive effect on pests. The releasing mechanism of HIPVs is mainly divided into the JA and SA signal pathways, different herbivores could induce the activation of different signaling pathways. This article presents the use of HIPVs in pest preventing in four aspects, including planting insect-resistant cultivars, application of transgenic plants, releasing artificial synthesis HIPVs, the use of exogenous chemicals. Theoretical basis of further development and utilization of HIPVs are provided for the prevention and control of agricultural pest in this paper.
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