赵旺、吴开畅、叶乐.4 种消毒剂对方斑东风螺稚螺的急性毒性试验[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(10):106-110
查看全文    HTML 4 种消毒剂对方斑东风螺稚螺的急性毒性试验
Acute toxicity test of four disinfectantsto juvenile Babylonia areolata
中文关键词: 方斑东风螺  稚螺  急性毒性  消毒剂
英文关键词: Babylonia areolata  juvenile snail  acute toxicity  disinfectant
基金项目:基金项目;国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS- 48);中央级公益性科研;所基本科研业务费专项资金 (2014TS13);三亚市;地科技合作项目(2013YD79)
赵旺、吴开畅、叶乐 中国水产科学研究南海水产研究所/农业部南海渔业资源开发利用 重点实验室、广东广州510300 
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      研究了戊二醛尧苯扎溴铵尧蛋氨酸碘及二溴海因等4 种消毒剂对方斑东风螺(Babylonia areolata)稚螺的 急性毒性遥结果表明、毒性大小依次为苯扎溴铵>二溴海因>蛋氨酸碘>戊二醛、24 h半致死质量浓度(LC50)分别为 15.00尧39.95尧60.13尧91.88 mg/L;48 h LC50分别为7.59尧14.73尧32.02尧48.55 mg/L;安全浓度SC 分别为0.58尧0.60尧2.73尧 4.07 mg/L遥分析认为、在方斑东风螺的养殖过程中、推荐使用蛋氨酸碘、其在安全浓度以下可获得较好的消毒效果、 戊二醛和二溴海因不推荐使用、苯扎溴铵应谨慎使用遥
      The acute toxicity of glutaraldehyde, benzalkonium bromide, iodine methionine and 1,3-Dibromo-5,5- Dimethylhydantoin (DBDMH) to juvenile Babylonia areolata was studied. The results showed that the order of toxicity was benzalkonium bromide>DBDMH>iodine methionine>glutaraldehyde, and the median lethal concentrations (LC50) of above disinfectants were 15.00 mg/L, 39.95 mg/L, 60.13 mg/L, 91.88 mg/L respectively in 24 h, and the LC50 were 7.59 mg/L, 14.73 mg/L, 32.02 mg/L, 48.55 mg/L, respectively in 48 h; and their SC (safe concentration) were 0.58 mg/L, 0.60 mg/L, 2.73 mg/L, 4.07 mg/L, respectively. We can use iodine methionine to disinfect B. areolata under safe concentration, but should not use glutaraldehyde and DBDMH, and can use benzalkonium bromide carefully.
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