查看全文    HTML 水产养殖中多层式臭氧混合装置效率研究
Efficiency of multi-layer ozone mixing device in aquaculture
中文关键词: 水产养殖  臭氧  混合装置  效率  气液比
英文关键词: aquaculture  ozone  mixing device  efficiency  vapor liquid ratio
基金项目:国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS- 50);国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAD25B03)
刘鹏1,2、倪琦1,3、管崇武1,3、单建军1,3 1.中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所、上海2000922.上海海洋大学工程学院、上海201306 3.农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室、上海200092 
摘要点击次数: 1508
全文下载次数: 711
      臭氧消毒是工厂化水产养殖中水处理的关键技术之一。为了提高臭氧的混合效率、依据臭氧溶解理论、 研发了一种多层式臭氧混合装置、并开展了不同类型的填料尧气液比尧填料高度对臭氧溶解效率的影响研究。结果表 明、采用鲍尔环作为填料、在一定范围内减小气液比尧增加填料高度、有利于提高臭氧的溶解效率。当填料高度为0.7 m尧水流量为6 m3/h尧臭氧化气体流量为0.1 m3/h 时、即气液比为1/60尧水处理量为190 m3/h窑m2、臭氧的溶解效率可以 达到78%左右。该装置具有结构简单尧体积小尧易于安装与维护尧混合效率高和不易堵塞等特点、为优化循环水养殖 水处理工艺与系统尧提高臭氧混合效率和经济性提出了一种确实可行的良好方式。
      Ozone disinfection is one of the key technologies in water treatment of industrial aquaculture. In order to improve the efficiency of ozone mixing, a multi-layer ozone mixing device was researched and developed based on the theory of ozone dissolution, and effects of different types of packing, vapor liquid ratio and packing height on ozone dissolution efficiency were studied. The results showed that using pall ring as filler, reducing the vapor liquid ratio within a certain scope and increasing the packing height would improve efficiency of ozone dissolution. When packing height was 0.7 m, water flow was 6 m3/h and ozone gas flow rate was 0.1 m3/h, which meant that vapor liquid ratio was 1/60, water treatment capacity was 190 m3/h窑m2, ozone dissolution efficiency reached 78%. The device has the advantages of simple structure, small volume, easy installation and maintenance, high mixing efficiency and no blockage, can be optimized for the water treatment process and system of recirculating aquaculture, and puts forward a feasible way for good mixing efficiency and economic efficiency.
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