朱旻1、2、王让会1、2、吕雅1、2、宗连玲1、2、江涤非1.艾比湖流域生态系统NPP 对气候 变化及景观动态的响应[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(10):176-180
查看全文    HTML 艾比湖流域生态系统NPP 对气候 变化及景观动态的响应
Response of net primary productivity of ecosystemsin Ebinur valley to the climate changeand landscape dynamics
中文关键词: 艾比湖流域  区域气候模式  CA-Markov 模型  大气CO2浓度  NPP
英文关键词: Ebinur valley  climate Model  CA-markov model  atmospheric CO2 concentration  NPP
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAD16B0305、2012 BAC23B01);中国沙漠气象科学研究基金(sqj2012006);国家 野973冶计划项目(2006CB705809)
朱旻1、2、王让会1、2、吕雅1、2、宗连玲1、2、江涤非1 1.南京信息工程大学环境科学与工程学、江苏南京210044 2.中国气象局树木年轮理化研究重点开放实验室、新疆乌鲁木齐830002 
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      分析气候变化与人为扰动对生态系统NPP 的影响、以及未来情景模式下NPP 的响应机制。在景观动态 模拟模型CA-Markov 模型耦合未来A1B 情景模式下的区域气候模式数据的基础上、建立生态系统NPP 对气候变化 和景观动态响应模型、实现了人类活动与气候变化对生态系统NPP 的影响定量分析。艾比湖流域2005要2020 年生 态系统NPP 增长了223.27 GgC、其中由人类活动直接导致的NPP 增加为141.01 GgC、气候变化的贡献为82.26 GgC。 近期内人类活动的直接影响仍是生态系统NPP 变化的主要因素、气候变化的影响虽然较小、但呈现逐年增长的趋 势。
      This study analyzed the impacts of climate change and anthropogenic disturbance on the net primary productivity of ecosystem, as well as response mechanism of net primary productivity under future scenarios. Meanwhile, the study was based on the landscape dynamic simulation model CA-Markov coupled future regional climate model data A1B scenario mode, to build model of the net primary productivity of ecosystem to climate change and landscape dynamic response. Ultimately, this study achieved a quantitative analysis of the impact of human activities and climate change on the net primary productivity of ecosystem. In this study, the net primary productivity of ecosystems in Ebinur valley increased 223.27 GgC from 2005 to 2020. The landscape dynamics lead to an increase of 141.01 GgC and the climate change lead to an increase of 82.26 GgC. Recently, human activities on land cover change is the primary factors. Although the impact of climate change is small, but its trend increases year by year
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