查看全文    HTML 基于社交网络的家庭农场经营规模探讨
Discuss on the family farm scale based on farmers social network
中文关键词: 家庭农场  社交网络  经营规模
英文关键词: family farm  social network  management scale
基金项目:腾讯犀牛鸟科研基金(AGR20130119);江西省社 会科学野十一五冶规划项目(10YJ103)
李永安1、孙捷2 1.华东交通大学农村发展与社区建设研究中心、江西南昌330013 2.南昌航空大学文法学、江西南昌330063 
摘要点击次数: 1424
全文下载次数: 565
      在当前家庭联产承包责任制造成土地细碎化、不利于规模经济的背景下、家庭农场及其规模问题受到 关注。根据经济主体社交网络相关理论和实践的分析可知、家庭农场的规模不是人为主观设计就能够设定的、而是 取决于家庭农场交往过程中、以市场为平台、通过社交网络获得的物质、信息等资源的状况;以及取决于社交网络形 成的多边信任结构激发出的期权价值。家庭农场社交网络及其规模经营之间的动态关系在于通过社交网络的构建 和加固、可以做到;改变农业主体的属性从而形成家庭农场规模弹性的主观条件;实现生产、需求与交易环境的协 调、从而形成合理规模;畅通资源和要素流转渠道、为适度规模经营提供物质条件;稳定规模边际收益的预期等。
      Currently, there is a plight that 野household contract responsibility system冶make land fragmentation and the Reform bonus disappear. The problem of agriculture, rural and farmers is still grim. In the background of this situation, the organizational form of family farms was proposed in the government documents so that agricultural management scale could be achieved. What scale of agriculture management is appropriate? However, it is impossible that government artificially designs family farms suitable size. This paper considers the farm size depends on the situation of farmers爷social network because they can take the market as the platform in which they can obtain material, information and other resources through their social network status.
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