王超、李慎磊、陆永跃.基于认知程度评估的红火蚁 管理策略与方式探讨[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(10):232-236
查看全文    HTML 基于认知程度评估的红火蚁 管理策略与方式探讨
Discussion of management strategy and method for redimported fire ant based on cognitive level assessment
中文关键词: 红火蚁  居民  认知程度  防控
英文关键词: Solenopsis invicta Buren  resident  cognitive degree  prevention and control
王超、李慎磊、陆永跃 华南农业大学红火蚁研究中心、广东广州510642 
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      采用问卷调查的方法对南沙区132 个社区/村当地居民对红火蚁认知程度进行调查。结果发现、南沙区 居民对红火蚁的了解程度较高、其中65.2%居民知道红火蚁;对红火蚁的了解途径中、野亲眼所见冶所占比例最高、为 57.78%、其次是从电视上得知、为14.43%;86.84%居民所在地区发现有红火蚁、90.93%居民周围有人知道红火蚁。在 发现红火蚁后、52.35%居民会向相关部门反映、38.01%居民会使用工具进行破坏;68.78%居民3 年前就已经听说当 地有红火蚁发生;48.08%居民认为红火蚁入侵对人身健康产生影响;59.59%居民被红火蚁叮咬过、且86.32%居民会 有痛痒、红肿、脓包的症状;69.50%居民在被叮咬后知道处理方法、其中53.88%居民会涂抹药膏、30.53%会去医;就 医;62.09%居民会关心入侵生物相关的信息;56.37%居民了解红火蚁相关工作内容;89.95%居民对红火蚁的宣传、防 治工作感到基本满意;在红火蚁相关工作中、37.47%居民建议应该加强防控力度、21.98%居民认为应该加强宣传。通 过调查所反映的问题、提出解决的方法和建议。
      The cognition level of people for red imported fire ant at 132 villages/communities of Nansha District was gotten by the questionnaire survey. The results revealed that 65.2% of the residents knew red imported fire ant. Among the ways to know fired ant, firstly 57.78% of the residents knew it through seeing with their own eyes, secondly 14.43% of them through watching TV. 86.84% of the residents found fire ant in their areas, and 90.93% of the other residents around them knew fire ant. When they found fire ant, 52.35% of the residents would inform the adminstrative departments, and 38.01% of them would use tools to destroy the mounds. 68.78% of the residents heard of fire ants three years ago in their areas. 48.08% of the residents thought that fire ants had some influence on the human health, and 59.97% of the residents were stung by fire ants, and 86.32% of them had some symptoms of itch, pain, inflammation, and pustule. After stung, 69.50% of them knew the right ways to deal with, in which 53.88% would ointment, and 30.5% would seea doctor. 62.09% of them cared about the information of Invasive Alien Species. 56.37% knew the management of fire ants and among them 89.95% were generally satisfied with the management of fire ants. In the suggestions for the management of fire ant, 37.47% thought the preventing and controlling efforts of fire ants should be strengthened, and 21.98% adviced to continue to propagate. At last, we came up with some methods and suggestions for the management of fire ants and other alien invasive species based on the problems found in the above investigation
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