官利兰 1、伏广农 1、徐鹏举 2、程 根 1、江浩翔 1、李旭辰 1、张新明.养分胁迫对冬作马铃薯 SPAD 值
及矿质养分的影响[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(11):14-19 |
养分胁迫对冬作马铃薯 SPAD 值
及矿质养分的影响 |
Ef f ect sofhi gh ni t rogen and m agnes i um ,boron def i ci encyon SPAD and m i neralnut ri ent sofwi nt erpot at o |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 马铃薯 养分胁迫 SPAD 值 矿质养分 M -DRI S诊断 |
英文关键词: pot at o曰nut r i entst r ess曰 SPAD曰 mi ner alnut r i ent s曰 M -DRI S |
目2011B090400207 |
摘要点击次数: 1564 |
全文下载次数: 755 |
中文摘要: |
低镁硼胁迫对冬作马铃薯叶片 SPAD 值和矿质养分及其相关关系的影响。 结果表明院高氮胁迫下倒 3、4、5、6 叶叶片
SPAD 值均高于完全营养液,并与叶片含氮量呈显著正相关关系,倒 3 叶尤为显著。 高氮低镁硼胁迫下马铃薯叶片、
地上茎、地上部、地下部的氮含量高于完全营养液,且叶片跃地上部跃地上茎跃地下部,叶片及地上部镁含量降低。 M -
DRI S诊断结果说明氮相对高,镁相对低。 养分胁迫导致养分相对失衡,叶和地上部表现明显。 结合叶片 SPAD 值和
M -DRI S诊断可更全面准确地进行冬作马铃薯氮素养分的诊断和推荐施肥。 |
英文摘要: |
Thr ough t he sand cul t ur e pot exper i ment 袁usi ng compl et e sol ut i on as t he cont r ol , l eaves SPAD val ue,
mi ner alnut r i entst at usofl eaves,st emsand aer i alpar tofpot at o and t he r el at i onshi p bet ween l eavesSPAD val ue and l eaves
ni t r ogen cont entunderhi gh ni t r ogen and magnes i um,bor on def i ci ency condi t i on wer e anal yzed t o opt i mi ze wi nt er pot at o
nut r i t i on di agnosi sand bal ance f er t i l i zat i on t echni que.The r esul t sshowed t hatt he l eaves SPAD val ue underhi gh ni t r ogen
was hi gher t han t hat under compl et e sol ut i on. The l eaves SPAD val ue and ni t r ogen cont ent had si gni f i cant posi t i ve
cor r el at i on,especi al l y t he t op 3 r d l eaf .The ni t r ogen cont ent s ofl eaves,st ems,aer i alpar tand under gr ound par tofpot at o
under hi gh ni t r ogen and magnesi um bor on def i ci ency condi t i on wer e hi gher t han t heos e under compl et e sol ut i on.
M agnesi um decr eased among l eaves and aer i alpar tofpot at o.M odi f i ed di agnosi s and r ecommendat i on i nt egr at ed syst em
( M -DRI S)di scover ed t hatni t r ogen was r el at i vel y hi gher and magnesi um was r el at i vel y l ower f or hi gh ni t r ogen and l ow
magnesi um,bor on t r eat ment s.The nut r i enti mbal ance i ndexes wer e hi gher ;nut r i ent s wer e mor e i mbal anced,par t i cul ar l y i n
l eaves and aer i al par t sampl es. Ther ef or e, l eaves SPAD val ue combi ned wi t h M -DRI S coul d be mor e sci ent i f i c and
compr ehensi ve f orni t r ogen di agnosi sand r ecommendat i on on wi nt erpot at o. |
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