陈平亚 1, 2、汪 军 1, 2、景晓辉 1, 2、戴青冬 1, 2、张剑伟 1, 2、曹智淳 1, 2、黄俊生.施用枯草芽孢杆菌与覆盖对香蕉生长 与枯萎病防治的作用[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(11):78-81
查看全文    HTML 施用枯草芽孢杆菌与覆盖对香蕉生长 与枯萎病防治的作用
Ef f ectofBaci l l uss ubt i l i sappl i cat i on and m ul chi ngon banana growt h and Fus ar i um wi l tcont rol
中文关键词: 枯草芽胞杆菌  覆盖  香蕉枯萎病
英文关键词: Baci l l ussubt i l i s  mul chi ng  Fusar i um wi l tdi sease ofbanana
陈平亚 1, 2、汪 军 1, 2、景晓辉 1, 2、戴青冬 1, 2、张剑伟 1, 2、曹智淳 1, 2、黄俊生 1. 海南大学环境与植物保护学院、 海南 海口 570228 2.中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所、 海南 海口 571101 
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      通过随机区组试验,研究了施用枯草芽胞杆菌( Baci l l ussubt i l i s) BLG01 与覆盖对香蕉长势、枯萎病病情 指数、枯萎病病原菌(Fusar i um oxyspor um f .sp.cubense,FOC)与可培养细菌数量的影响。结果表明,与对照比较,在香 蕉移栽 100 d 时,不同覆盖模式下,施用 BLG01 能促进香蕉生长和提高枯萎病防治作用,其中以玉米覆盖与共同施 用 BLG01防治作用最显著,香蕉株高、茎围、地上部、地下部鲜重和防效显著提高,病情指数下降了 43. 07% ~60. 56% , 根际 FOC 的 l ogCFU 降低了 72. 15% ~131. 18% ,可培养细菌数量的 l ogCFU 增加了 31. 21% ~35. 02% ;相关性分析表明, FOC 与细菌数量呈显著负相关关系, 与病情指数呈极显著正相关关系。 施用枯草芽胞杆菌结合覆盖可促进香蕉生 长,降低枯萎病病原菌数量,提高根际可培养细菌数量,增加对香蕉枯萎病的防治效果
      A r andomi zed bl ock exper i mentwas conduct ed i n mi cr o-pl ot s t o t estt he ef f ect s ofappl i cat i on Baci l l us subt i l i sBLG01 and di f f er entmul chi ng syst em on t he gr owt h ofbanana pl ant s,di sease sever i t y i ndex( DSI )ofFusar i um wi l t , sur vi valabi l i t y ofFOC and cul t i vabl e bact er i a popul at i on i n r hi zospher e ofbanana.The r esul t sshowed t hataf t er100 d of t r anspl ant i ng,t he gr owt h ofbanana and cont r olef f i ci ency t o Fusar i um wi l ti ncr eased wi t h i ncr ease ofBLG01 appl i cat i on i n di f f er entmul chi ng syst ems compar ed t o cont r olt r eat ment ,t he combi nat i on ofBLG01 wi t h mul chi ng i n cor n showed t he bestef f i ci ency r esi st ance t o Fusar i um wi l tofbanana,i ncr eased t he pl anthei ght ,st em t hi ckness,l eafwi dt h,f r es h wei ghtof aer i aland under gr ound par t .DSIdecr eased by 43. 07% -60. 56% ,t he numberofFOC decr eased si gni f i cant l y by 72. 15% - 131. 18% 袁whi l e t he numberofcul t ur abl e bact er i a i n r hi zos pher e i ncr eased si gni f i cant l y by 31. 21% -35. 02% ,r espect i vel y. The cor r el at i on anal ysi s showed t hatt he numberofFOC was negat i vel y cor r el at ed wi t h t he numberofcul t ur abl e bact er i a, whi l e t he number of FOC was posi t i vel y cor r el at ed wi t h DSI .Usi ng BLG01 wi t h mul chi ng can pr omot e t he gr owt h of banana ef f ect i vel y袁decr ease t he numberofFOC and i mpr ove cul t i vabl e bact er i a popul at i on atr hi zospher e on banana,and i ncr ease t he cont r olef f ecton Fusar i um wi l tofbanana,and i tshowswi de appl i cat i on pr ospect .
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