解明明 1 、柯佑鹏 1 、过建春 2.蕉农土地流转意愿及影响因素分析 —— — 基于广西 278 户蕉农的调查[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(11):222-226
查看全文    HTML 蕉农土地流转意愿及影响因素分析 —— — 基于广西 278 户蕉农的调查
Banana f arm ers 爷 wi l l i ngnes sofl and ci rcul at i onand i t si nf l uent i alf act orsanal ys i s要要 要 Bas ed on t hes urvey of278 banana f arm ersf rom Guangxiprovi nce
中文关键词: 蕉农  土地流转  流转意愿  Logi st i c模型  广西
英文关键词: banana f ar mer s  l and ci r cul at i on  l and ci r cul at i on wi l l i ngness  Logi st i c model  Guangxi
基金项目:国家香蕉产业技术体系产业经济岗位项目(CAR S-32)
解明明 1 、柯佑鹏 1 、过建春 2 1. 海南大学经济与管理学院、海南 海口 5702282. 琼州学院、海南 三亚 572022 
摘要点击次数: 1793
全文下载次数: 632
      以广西北海市、钦州市、玉林市、南宁市、百色市、崇左市 6 个地区的蕉农问卷调查为基础、建立 Logi st i c 回归模型、分析蕉农土地流转意愿及影响因素。 结果表明、蕉农土地转入意愿和转出意愿的影响因素不尽相同院文化 程度、种植香蕉收入的比重、对当前的香蕉价格的满意度等对蕉农土地转入意愿影响显著;文化程度、种植香蕉收入 的比重、是否签订正式的书面合同、政府有无大力提倡土地流转等对蕉农土地转出意愿影响显著。 基于上述结论、提 出加强市场信息体系的建设、规范土地流转管理、加大政府支持力度等促进蕉农土地流转的政策建议。
      Based on t he sur vey dat a f r om si x ci t i es i n Guangxipr ovi nce,i ncl udi ng Bei hai ,Qi nzhou,Yul i n,Nanni ng, Chongzuo,Bai se,Logi st i c modelwasappl i ed t o anal yze t he banana f ar mer 爷sl and ci r cul at i on wi l l i ngnessand i t si nf l uent i al f act or s. The r esul t s showed t hat t he f act or s af f ect ed f ar mer s爷 i nwar d t r ansf er r i ng wi l l i ngnes s and out war d t r ansf er r i ng wi l l i ngness wer e nott he s ame.Educat i on l evel ,i ncome shar e f r om pl ant i ng banana,and t he sat i sf act i on on t he cur r ent pr i ce had si gni f i cantef f ect s on t he f ar mer s 爷 i nwar d t r ansf er r i ng wi l l i ngness,whi l e t he f act or s i ncl udi ng educat i on l evel , i ncome shar e f r om pl ant i ng banana,f or mal cont r act ,and t he gover nment s 爷 s uppor t s on l and ci r cul at i on and so on had si gni f i canti mpact s on f ar mer s爷 out war d t r ansf er r i ng wi l l i ngness.Bas ed on t he r esul t s,some pol i cy r ecommendat i ons f or pr omot i ng l and ci r cul at i on wer e pr ovi ded, i ncl udi ng st r engt heni ng t he const r uct i on of mar ket i nf or mat i on sys t em, st andar di zi ng t he managementofl and ci r cul at i on,and enhanci ng gover nmentsuppor t s.
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