查看全文    HTML 辣椒雄蕊雌化的形态解剖学特征
Morphological and anatomical charactersistics ofstamen feminization in Capsicum annuum L.
中文关键词: 辣椒  雄蕊雌化  形态学  解剖学
英文关键词: Capsicum annuum L.  stamen feminization  morphology  anatomy
江辉,李娅迪,陈业,沈文华,孙园园,关萍 贵州大学生命科学学院贵州贵阳550025 
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全文下载次数: 765
      采用形态解剖和石蜡切片法,对雄蕊雌化辣椒花和果实发育过程进行观察。形态学观察结果表明,雌化 花芽较正常花芽肥大,雌化雄蕊可结实但非常小,位于正常辣椒果实果柄处。另外有部分雄蕊雌化和雄蕊全部雌化 两种突变体。显微切片结果显示,雌化雄蕊原基呈扁平叶状突起,后期发育成类似心皮的叶状体,边缘靠合或缝合形 成类似边缘胎座的子房。雄蕊在雌化过程中,形态上表现不同程度雌化,并且表现出一系列的中间过渡类型。另外雌 化“子房”内有“胚珠”,并且雌化雄蕊的“胚珠”与正常子房中的胚珠相似。
      The development process of flower and fruit of feminization stamens of Capsicum annuum L. were conducted by the morphological and anatomical method and common plant paraffin section method. The morphological observation showed that, feminization bud was bigger than normal bud. Feminization stamens could fruit but the fruits were very small, and the small fruits were located at normal peduncle of pepper. It also found two mutants of some stamens feminization and all stamens feminization. According to the results of microscopic section, we knew that feminization stamen primordium presented leafy protrusions as flat, later developed into similar carpel thallus, forming the marginal placentation by edges conniventting or stitching together. In the process of feminization, stamens showed different levels of feminization, and showed a series of intermediate transition types. The other feminisation ovary冶with ovule and feminization stamens of the ovule were similar to those of normal ovary of the ovule.
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