查看全文    HTML 红观音姜荷花新品种的选育及栽培技术
Breeding and cultivation techniques of a new varietyCurcuma alismatifolia cv. Hongguanyin
中文关键词: 姜荷花  红观音  选育
英文关键词: Curcuma alismatifolia  Hongguanyin  breeding
基金项目:广东省农业科技成果转化资金项目(2012NL052); 珠海市农业科技三项经费项目(2012)
曾晓辉1,曾宋君2,刘文1,邓美红1,林文洪1 1.珠海市现代农业发展中心广东珠海519000 2.中国科学院华南植物园华南农业植物遗传育种重点实验室广东广州510650 
摘要点击次数: 1563
全文下载次数: 647
      姜荷花原产泰国,由于花形奇特、花期长、耐热性强而受到欢迎,但其花色粉红、颜色较淡。在泰国引进 姜荷花并进行推广的过程中,发现了颜色深红的姜荷花突变株,通过组培快繁获得了大量种苗并于2005要2011 年 间种植,表现出稳定性状。2011 年1 月,该品种通过了广东省农作物品种审定并命名为红观音姜荷花。红观音姜荷花 与亲本相比,具有更高的观赏价值,适合我国华南地区露地作为切花栽培。
      Curcuma alismatifolia Gagnep. originates from Thailand, is one of the most popular ornamental plant in the world owing to strange pattern, long lasting flowering time, high heat resistance. However, the pink flowers of C. alismatifolia are not very bright. A red mutant of C. alismatifolia was found from the plants regenerated by tissue culture in field planting. The red mutant was reproduced and planted in large-scale in field in 2005-2010 and shown its steady characters, which had examined and approved as a new variety, the name of C. alismatifolia cv. Hongguanyin by Agriculture Department of Guangdong Province. Compared with the parent, C. alismatifolia cv. Hongguanyin has higher ornamental value and more suitable for planting as cut-flower in field in south China.
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