孙岩岩,罗卫星,谢海强,宋桃伟,刘彬,蔡惠芬.贵州本地山羊POLRMT 基因启动子区 SNP 的生物信息学分析[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(12):110-113
查看全文    HTML 贵州本地山羊POLRMT 基因启动子区 SNP 的生物信息学分析
Bioinformatics analysis on the SNP in promoter regionof POLRMT gene in Guizhou local goat
中文关键词: POLRMT 基因  启动子  SNP  贵州本地山羊  大理石纹性状
英文关键词: POLRMT gene  promoter  SNP  Guizhou local goats marbling performance
基金项目:教育部促进与美大地区科研合作与高层次人才 培养项目(教外司美[2013]1741 号);贵州省农业科技攻关项目(黔 科合NY 字[2012]3006 号
孙岩岩,罗卫星,谢海强,宋桃伟,刘彬,蔡惠芬 贵州大学动物科学学院/贵州大学高原山地动物遗传育种与繁殖教育部重点试验室贵州贵阳550025 
摘要点击次数: 1619
全文下载次数: 570
      为给贵州本地山羊肉质品质选育工作提供更好的科学依据,以贵州白山羊、贵州黑山羊及黔北麻羊为 试验对象,探究肉质相关基因POLRMT 启动子区SNP 位点对肉质品质的影响。通过构建DNA 池筛选出SNP 位点, 并采用多种生物信息学软件预测核心启动子范围、CpG 岛及转录因子。结果表明,POLRMT 基因启动子区存在2 个 SNP 位点,分别为T-81A、T-289C。POLRMT 基因核心启动子范围发生改变,SNP 位点导致部分转录因子结合位点消 失,MethPrimer预测到CpG 岛增加1 个。
      In order to provide the basic information and scientific proof for better heredity selection of Guizhou Local goats, three goat breeds (Guizhou Write Goat, Guizhou Black Goat and Qianbei Ma Goat) were selected as the experimental subjects for exploring the influence between SNPs which located in the promoter region of POLRMT gene and meat quality. SNPs were screened by constructing the DNA pool, and variety bioinformatics softwares were used to predict the core region of the promoter, CpG island and transfer factors. The results showed that two SNPs (T-81A, T-289C) were found in POLRMT gene. Because of the two SNPs, the range of POLRMT gene core promoter changed, transcription factors disappeared, meanwhile, one CpG island increased.
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