赵牧秋1,2,史云峰1,2.三亚地区莲雾果园生态系统碳 储量及其分布特征[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(12):171-174
查看全文    HTML 三亚地区莲雾果园生态系统碳 储量及其分布特征
Carbon storage and distribution of Syzygiumsamarangense orchard ecosystem in Sanya
中文关键词: 莲雾果园  碳储量  生物量  三亚地区
英文关键词: Syzygium samarangense orchard  carbon storage  biomass  Sanya area
基金项目:海南省自然科学基金(312101);海南省基金三亚 市配套项目(2013PT24);国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目 (201211100087)
赵牧秋1,2,史云峰1,2 1.琼州学院生物科学与技术学院海南三亚572022 2.中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所辽宁沈阳110016 
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      分别应用平均木法、样方收获法和分层取样法采样并测定三亚地区莲雾果园生态系统乔木层、草本及凋 落物层和土壤层的生物量及碳含量,并探讨了莲雾果园生态系统各组分的碳储量及其分布特征。结果表明,三亚地 区莲雾果园生态系统总碳储量为76.87 t/hm2,其中乔木层、草本及凋落物层和土壤层碳储量分别为11.63、1.21、64.03 t/hm2,分别占总碳储量的15.13%、1.57%、83.30%;乔木层各器官碳储量大小为树枝>树根>树叶>树干>果实;土壤层 随深度的增加碳储量逐渐降低。总体而言,三亚地区莲雾果园生态系统固碳潜力较大且系统碳储量主要位于土壤 层,乔木层碳储量以树枝和树根较多,草本及凋落物层碳储量较低。
      Using the methods of average sample tree, sample plot harvesting and profile sampling, we determined Syzygium samarangense orchard ecosystem in Sanya, including biomass and carbon concentration of tree layer, litter layer and soil layer, and calculated carbon storage. The results indicated that total carbon storage of S. samarangense orchard ecosystem in Sanya was 76.87 t/hm2, with 11.63, 1.21 and 64.03 t/hm2, accounting for 15.13%, 1.57% and 83.30% of the total in tree layer, litter layer and soil layer, respectively. The carbon storage in plant organs was in order as branch>root> leaf>stem>fruit, and decreased with depth of soil increasing. S. samarangense orchard ecosystem in Sanya has a significant potential in carbon sequestration, and soil layer accounted for the largest part of the total carbon storage. Branch and root have more carbon storage in tree, and litter layer has less carbon storage in S. samarangense orchard ecosystem.
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