查看全文    HTML 市级土地整治规划编制问题及对策研究
Study on problems and suggestions of municipal landrearrangement planning in Guangdong province
中文关键词: 广东省  市级土地整治  规划编制
英文关键词: Guangdong province  municipal land rearrangement  planning
张池1,陈旭飞2,苏少青2,钟丽2,宁晓锋2 1.华南农业大学资源环境学院广东广州5106422.广东省土地开发储备局广东广州510635 
摘要点击次数: 1629
全文下载次数: 612
      市级土地整治规划编制工作有利于土地整治活动的科学实施和有序开展。目前,广东省首轮市级土地 整治规划编制工作已经基本完成。针对这次规划编制工作情况,进行了综合归纳和总结,指出了规划编制的结构、与 政策形势的紧密关系、区域特性、数据选取和分析手段、内容的刚性和弹性的把握、规划期限和法律法规及文件的标 注等方面存在的问题,并提出适应新政策形势,结合客观实际、刚柔并济,合理进行数据资料整理和分析编制市级土 地整治规划的对策,这将为未来广东省市级土地整治规划编制提供参考依据。
      The municipal land rearrangement planning is beneficial to the development of land consolidation activities scientifically and orderly. At present, the first municipal land rearrangement planning has been finished in Guangdong province. The study made a comprehensive summary of this planning, pointed out their general relative problems in the text structure regional characteristics their close relationship with the policy and situations, the selection and evaluation of data, the detail contents of their planning period and the quotation marks in laws and references. The study made a proposal as well on the adaption to the new policy and situation, proceeding from realities, exercising a combination of inflexibility and yielding, collecting and analyzing data reasonably. The study can provide references for the municipal land rearrangement planning in the further word.
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