韩全辉,黄洁,刘子凡,罗春芳,魏艳.木薯/ 花生间作对花生光合性能、产量和品质的影响[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(13):13-16
查看全文    HTML 木薯/ 花生间作对花生光合性能、产量和品质的影响
Effects of cassava-peanut intercropping on photosynthetic characters, yield and quality of peanut
中文关键词: 木薯  花生  间作  光合性能  产量  品质
英文关键词: cassava  peanut  intercropping  photosynthetic characters  yield  quality
基金项目:国家现代木薯产业技术体系栽培管理岗项目 (CARS-12-hnhj)
韩全辉,黄洁,刘子凡,罗春芳,魏艳 海南大学农学院2.中国热带农业科学院热带作物品种资源研究所/农业部木薯种质资源保护与利用重点实验室 
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      在大田条件下,研究单作花生(CK)、等行距木薯间作花生(T1)和宽窄行木薯间作花生(T2)对花生光合性能、产量和品质的影响。结果表明:T2 和T1 的偏土地当量比(PLER-P)均为0.34,比其所占土地面积比(F=0.25)高出36.0%,显示在相同的花生种植面积中,间作花生会比单作花生具有较好的荚果产量优势;与T1相比,T2处理的花生结荚期、成熟期的单株叶面积和叶片净光合速率提高,且T2 的叶片叶绿素含量,果重,百仁重等指标也提高,显示宽窄行木薯间作花生(T2)比等行距(T1)更具优势,建议在木薯间作生产中推广应用宽窄行木薯间作花生模式.
      Under the field condition, the photosynthetic characters, yield and quality of peanut were studied in three treatments, including mono-cropped peanut (CK), equal row cassava-peanut intercropping (T1), wide and narrow row cassava-peanut intercropping (T2). The results showed that the partial land equivalent ratio of peanut (PLER-P) in T1 and T2 was 0.34, which was greater than the peanut area ratio of cassava-peanut intercropping system (F=0.25) by 36.0%, indicating that the peanut pod yield in intercropping mode was greater than that in monocropping mode, in the same planting area. Compared to the T1 treatment, the leaves area per plant and net photosynthetic rate in seeding and maturity stage in T2 treatment promoted, and chlorophyll content, 100-pod weight and 100-kernel weight of peanut improved. The result indicates that T2 treatment has more advantage than T1 treatment, we can apply wide and narrow row cassavapeanut intercropping mode in cassava intercropping.
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