孙利鑫,解艳玲,马建,苏斌,张亚红.不同设施栽培模式下红地球葡萄光合特性分析[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(13):40-43 |
不同设施栽培模式下红地球葡萄光合特性分析 |
Analysis on photosynthetic characteristics of red globe grape in different cultivation modes |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 红地球葡萄 设施栽培 温度变化 光合特性 |
英文关键词: ‘Red globe’grape facility cultivation temperature change photosynthetics characteristics |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31360493) |
摘要点击次数: 1421 |
全文下载次数: 494 |
中文摘要: |
为研究不同设施栽培条件下葡萄生长期叶片的光合特性,采用红地球葡萄日光温室(暖棚)促早,塑料大棚(冷棚)促早及延后栽培3种模式,通过设施内环境和葡萄光合特性测试分析,结果表明:3种栽培模式下葡萄生长期叶片叶绿素含量在1.2~2.2 mg/g;暖棚促早栽培与冷棚促早栽培的开花期与浆果生长前期葡萄叶片的净光合速率日变化曲线是单峰曲线,浆果生长中期到成熟期葡萄叶片的净光合速率日变化曲线是双峰曲线;葡萄叶片的净光合速率日变化曲线是否为单峰或双峰与胞间CO2浓度出现的最低值时间没有必然联系,在冷棚延后栽培中,葡萄生长期叶片净光合速率曲线均呈单峰曲线;3种栽培模式下生长期葡萄叶片的胞间CO2浓度日变化曲线都呈现“V”字型,先下降再深高,只是下降到最低值的时间不尽相同。 |
英文摘要: |
In order to analyze photosynthetic characteristics of red globe grape in different cultivation modes duringgrowth period, this paper set three modes, including red globe grape in sunlight greenhouse (greenhouse) to promote, plastic greenhouse (cold house) to promote early or to delay, and detectecl the facility environment and grape photosyntheticcharacteristic. The results showed that, the chlorophyllcontent in leaves of grape under three cultivation modes during growth period was from 1.2 mg/g to 2.2 mg/g. The diurnal photosynthetic rate curves of grape leaves in sunlight greenhouse
and plastic greenhouse during blossom and early growth period were single peak curves. While the diurnal photosynthetic rate curve of grape leaves during berry growth period was bimodal curve. Whether single peak or bimodal the daily photosynthetic rate curve of grape leaves was, it did not necessarily link to the time when intercellular CO2 concentration reached minimum. In plastic greenhouse delay cultivation, the daily photosynthetic rate curve of grape leaves during growth period showed a single peak curve. The diurnal change of intercellular CO2 concentration curve of grape leaves during growth period in three cultivation patterns showed “V”shape, it meant that intercellular CO2 concentration decreased first and then increased, but the time to the lowest value was not the same. |
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