查看全文    HTML 海南粗榧内生真菌多样性分析
Diversity of endophytic fungi from Cephalotaxus hainanensis Li
中文关键词: 海南粗榧  内生真菌  ITS-rDNA 序列  多样性
英文关键词: Cephalotaxus hainanensis Li  endophytic fungi  ITS-rDNA sequence  diversity
齐静,蒋春洁,吴延春,刘四新,胡晓苹,李武,李从发 海南大学食品学院 
摘要点击次数: 1648
全文下载次数: 584
      以海南五指山自然保护区海南粗榧为研究对象,从423个表面消毒的组织块中,分离获得416个内生真菌菌株。通过形态学观察和ITS-rDNA 序列分析对分离得到的真菌进行鉴定,分别归入12个属,10属为半知菌,2属为子囊菌。结果表明,在海南粗榧不同组织中,刺盘孢属(Colletotrichum)、拟茎点霉(Phomopsis)均为优势类群,其中,刺盘孢属在叶中最多,拟茎点霉属在树干皮、根皮中最多。此外,镰孢霉属(Fusarium)为树干皮的优势类群,球二孢属(Lasiodiplodia)为根皮的优势类群,双胞束梗霉属(Didymostilbe)为叶的优势类群;Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H忆)为0.97~1.83,不同组织之间的相似性系数(CS)为0.63~1.00曰分离得到的菌株中,WZS7165、WZS7240及WZS7277与已报道基因序列的相似性分别只有97%、92豫、88豫,具有进一步研究的价值,以确定其是否为微生物新种资源。
      To study the diversity of endophytic fungi isolated from Cephalotaxus hainanensis Li in Five Finger Mountain national nature reserve, 416 strains of endophytic fungi were isolated from 423 tissues. The strains were identified by their morphological characteristics and ITS-rDNA sequences. The 416 isolates belonged to 12 genera, 10 of which belonged to Fungi Imperfecti and 2 of which belonged to Ascomycetes. The results showed that Colletotrichum and Phomopsis were dominant species in different parts of C. hainanensis Li. Except for these two genera, Fusarium was the dominant specy in stems, while Lasiodiplodia was the dominant specy in roots and Didymostilbe was the dominant specy in leaves. And species diversity index (H') were 0.97-1.83. The similarity coefficient (CS) among different parts of C. hainanensis Li was 0.63-1.00. The similarities of ITS-rDNA sequences of strains WZS7165, WZS7240 and WZS7277 to the most closely related sequences in GenBank were 97%, 92% and 88%, respectively, which might be potential new species.
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