查看全文    HTML 氮磷钾不同施肥配比效应对桂闽引象草生产性能及品质的影响
Effect on productive performance and quality of Pennisetum purpureum cv. Guiminyin under different proportion applications of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium
中文关键词: 桂闽引象草曰平衡施肥曰产量曰营养品质
英文关键词: Pennisetum purpureum cv. Guiminyin  balance fertilization  yield  nutritional quality
姚娜,滕少花,赖志强,邓素媛,丘金花,赖大伟,易显凤 广西畜牧研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1565
全文下载次数: 641
      In order to quest an efficient fertilizer application for Pennisetum purpureum cv. Guiminying under the condition of artificial plant and management, using the nitrogen, phosphate and potassium as experimental factors, conducted the study by the way of野3414冶balance fertilization. The result showed that, by introducing the proper proportion of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium application, Pennisetum purpureum cv. Guiminying could have a better productive result, and exerted production performance fully. Among them, the N2P2K3-fertilizer application performed best, namely, nitrogen 300 kg/hm2, phosphate 150 kg/hm2 and potassium 200.1 kg/hm2, and zhe yearly fresh forage yield was up to 262.63 (±29.75)t/hm2, dry mass yield was 56.41 (依4.03)t/hm2, with 118.30% and 121.81% higher respectively by comparison with the control group (none fertilizer).The protein content was 12.15%, and was 69.69% higher than the control group, and the effect was remarkable.
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