查看全文    HTML 油棕病害调查及叶部病害的病原真菌初步鉴定
Diseases investigation and fungal pathogens isolates on oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacg) of leaf spot
中文关键词: 油棕  病害调查  致病性测定  鉴定
英文关键词: oil palm  disease investigation  pathogenic test  identification.
郑丽,沈会芳,李静,何时雨,曾宪海,冯朝阳,覃新导,谢昌平 中国热带农业科学院广州实验站/中国热带农业科学院热带能源生态研究中心广东省农科院植物保护研究所中国热带农业科学院橡胶研究所海南大学环境与植物保护学院 
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      通过对海南省海口尧儋州尧文昌尧陵水和定安以及广东省江门油棕病害的调查袁结果表明袁发生最为常见的病害为叶斑病袁不同品种受害程度表现不同曰发生严重时袁可导致叶片30%以上枯死遥对从热科院橡胶所引种到广东江门的12 个油棕新品种田间叶斑病的病害严重度进行调查袁其危害等级为1~3 级袁分离纯化和初步鉴定结果表明袁有6 种病原物袁分别为叶点霉属渊Phyllosticta冤尧炭疽菌属渊Colletotrichum冤尧链隔孢属渊Alternaria冤尧拟茎点霉属渊Phomopsis冤尧茎点霉属渊Phoma冤和拟盘多毛孢属渊Pestalotiopsis冤遥对6 种病原物进行田间活体致病性测定袁发现炭疽菌属和链隔孢属引起的病斑较小袁致病力较弱袁推测可能是腐生菌曰叶点霉属尧拟茎点霉属尧茎点霉属和拟盘多毛孢属可同时侵染RYL31袁其中叶点霉属还可侵染RYL14尧RYL33袁推测此病原物寄生性较强遥
      Through the investigation of oil palm disease in Haikou, Danzhou, Wenchang, Lingshui, Ding爷an and Guangdong Jiangmen, it showed that the most common disease was leaf spot, and different varieties suffering this disease performed differently; when serious, it could lead to more than 30% exsciccation of leaves. In this paper, the field severities of leaf spot of 12 kinds oil palm were investigated in Jiangmen Guangdong, which showed that most cultures爷rating was 1-3 index. The pathogen was isolated and purificated, and there were 6 kinds of pathogens, such as Colletotrichum sp., Alternaria sp., Phyllosticta sp., Phomopsis sp., Phoma sp. and Pestalotiopsis sp., respectively. The tests of pathogenicity found that symptoms similar to the originalones appeared after 7 days, while the control plants remained healthy, and the pathogen was reisolated from the leaves of inoculated plants, and the pathogenicities of Colletotrichum sp. and Alternaria sp. were weak, speculating that it might be saprophytic fungus. Other four fungus could infect RYL31, while Phyllosticta sp. Could infect RYL14 and RYL33, speculating that this disease pathogen had a stronge parasitism.
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