查看全文    HTML 云南省千家寨不同坡向大理茶群落结构比较
Comparison of community structure of Camellia talinensis in different slope directions in Qianjiazhai袁Yunnan
中文关键词: 千家寨  大理茶  坡向  物种多样性  群落结构
英文关键词: Qianjiazhai  Camellia talinensis  slope directions  species diversity  community structure
齐丹卉,刘文胜 西南林业大学环境科学与工程学院中南林业科技大学生命科学与技术学院 
摘要点击次数: 1474
全文下载次数: 738
      大理茶(Camellia talinensis) 为国家二级保护植物袁近年来遭受人类的过度砍伐与采摘,已逐渐濒危。以目前我国发现的面积最大、保存最完整的云南省千家寨野生大理茶群落为研究对象,通过样方调查的方法研究其不同坡向群落的树种多样性及群落结构。结果表明,大理茶为乔木第二层的优势种,其第一层的优势种为香花木姜子(Litsea panamonja)、腾冲栲(Castanopsis wattii)、截头石栎(Lithocarpustrun catus) 等;大理茶在东坡、南坡的群落中为优势种,在西坡、北坡的群落中为亚优势种;高度级、径级分析均表明,物种丰富度、多度呈现出随高度级、径级增加而降低的趋势,说明上层植物为下层植物生长创造了良好的环境;坡向对大理茶各群落物种多样性有较大影响袁其中,西坡具有较高的树种多样性(S、D、H),南坡、北坡居中,东坡的最低;南坡与其他各坡向树种相似性较低。并提出了相应的保护措施。
      Camellia talinensis is one of the national protected two-grade rare plants, and is becoming endangered by over felling and picking in recent years. C. talinensis communities of Qianjiazhai, located in Zhenyuan county Yunnan province, is the largest and best-preserved C. talinensis community in China. To better protect C. talinensis, we selected C. talinensis communities of Qianjiazhai as test objects, tree diversity and community structure were studied by field investigation. The results showed what C. talinensis was the dominant species of the second layer of trees, and the dominant species of the first layer included Litsea panamonja, Castanopsis wattii, Lithocarpustrun catus and so on. C. talinensis is the dominant species of the communities on the east- and south-facing slope, and the subdominant species on the west- and north-facing slope. Diameter and height classes analyses indicated that both species richness and abundance increased with Diameter and height of trees, which revealed that higher trees created environment for the lower trees. Slope directions played important roles in tree diversity, for example, tree diversity expressed as species number, Simpson Index and Shannon-Wiener Index showed communities of west-facing direction was the highest, and those of south- and north-facing slope stayed the middle, east-facing slope was the lowest. Communities of south-facing slope had the lowest similarity index with communities of other directions. In the end, the measures to well protect species diversity of communities and C. talinensis populations were discussed.
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