查看全文    HTML 不同地类红壤坡面土壤有机质及氮素分布研究
Analysis of soil organic matter and nitrogen distribution on slopes under different land use types in red soil region
中文关键词: 土地利用类型  有机质  全氮  速效氮  土层深度
英文关键词: land use type  organic matter  total nitrogen  available nitrogen  soil depth
蒋薇,王克勤,郭玲梅,苏备 西南林业大学环境科学与工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 1515
全文下载次数: 640
      选取我国云南地区抚仙湖流域典型流域尖山河小流域为试验区袁以不同土地利用类型的径流小区作为试验对象袁对径流小区内土壤不同土层有机质尧全氮和速效氮含量进行测定遥结果表明院在土地利用方式不同的红壤坡面上袁土壤有机质尧全氮和速效氮的含量均表现为坡下部﹥坡中部﹥坡上部曰土壤剖面有机质尧全氮和速效氮的含量均随着土层深度的增加而降低袁即0耀20 cm>20耀40 cm>40耀60 cm袁且随深度增加含量差距减小曰在坡耕地尧次生林尧人工林和灌草丛4 种土地利用类型中袁土壤有机质的含量表现为次生林>人工林>灌草丛>坡耕地袁土壤全氮的含量表现为灌草丛>坡耕地>人工林>次生林袁土壤速效氮的含量表现为坡耕地>次生林>灌草丛>人工林遥通过回归分析发现袁土壤有机质尧全氮和速效氮含量之间均具有显著的线性相关关系袁土壤有机质是表征土壤供氮能力的重要指标曰通过相关性分析得到土层深度与土壤有机质尧全氮和速效氮的含量之间均具有显著的负相关关系曰不同土地利用类型土壤有机质和全氮含量之间的换算系数不同袁表现为坡耕地>灌草丛>人工林>次生林遥
      This study mainly studied the soil organic matter and nitrogen contents of four different land use types in typical small watershed of Jianshan river, Fuxian Lake. The results showed that, on the slopes of different land use types,the contents of soil organic matter and nitrogen were the highest on the lower slopes and the lowest on the upper slopes,and it爷s placed in the middle on the mid-slopes. Soil organic matter and nitrogen contents decreased with soil depth increasing, shouing 0-20 cm higher than 20-40 cm and 20-40 cm higher than 40-60 cm. With the increase of soil depth,the gap between contents decreased. The content of soil organic matter in sequence was secondary forest, planted forest, shrub-grassland and farmland. The content of total nitrogen in sequence was shrub-grassland, farmland, planted forest and secondary forest. The content of available nitrogen in sequence was farmland, secondary forest, shrub-grassland and shrubgrassland. Through regression analysis, we obtained that there was significant linear correlation among the contents of soil organic matter, total nitrogen and available nitrogen. The content of soil organic matter is an important index for soil nitrogen supplying capacity. Through correlation analysis, we got that there was significant negative correlation between soil depth and the contents of soil organic matter and nitrogen. The conversion coefficients between soil organic matter and total nitrogen were different in different land use types, the sequence was farmland, shrub -grassland, planted forest and secondary forest.
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