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Field trial about the best returning amount of mushroom residue on maize
中文关键词: 平菇菌渣  还田  玉米  生理性状  产量  土壤养分
英文关键词: Pleurotus ostreatus residue  returning  maize  physiological traits  yield  soil nutrients
胡艳霞,王亚芝,解海静,马艳阳 北京市农林科学院农业综合发展研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1837
全文下载次数: 929
      采用完全随机裂区试验设计袁以不施肥和施用化肥为对照袁研究北方旱地平菇菌渣还田的最佳施用量袁以及还田后对玉米生理性状尧产量以及土壤养分含量的影响遥结果表明袁平菇菌渣对玉米生理性状和产量均有一定的改善作用遥菌渣施用量为22 500 kg/hm2时袁玉米生长状况尧果穗性状和玉米籽粒产量均优于20 000 kg/hm2尧25 000 kg/hm2的菌渣施用量和化肥施用处理袁玉米各生长期植株和叶片数也高于其他处理袁玉米籽粒产量比不施肥增产17.39%袁比化肥施用处理增产8.06%曰同时袁平菇菌渣还田能在一定程度上提高无机氮和速效磷尧钾含量袁有利于培肥地力遥土壤养分含量均为施用量越大袁培肥效果越明显袁土壤速效钾尧速效磷含量分别较CK1 提高16.58%耀34.98%和45.70%耀86.20%遥平菇菌渣施用量为22 500 kg/hm2时袁玉米生长状况最佳袁果穗性状最优袁籽粒产量最高袁对土壤的培肥效果较好袁是较理想的施用量遥
      A completely random split -block experimental design was used to study the best amount of Pleurotusostreatus residue fielding, and the effect of returning on maize physiological traits, yield and soil fertility, compared with no fertilizer and chemical fertilize. The results showed that, P. ostreatus residue could improve the physiological traits, yield of maize and the nutrient content of soil. The maize growth status, characteristics and yield of 22 500 kg/hm2 treatment were better than those in the quantity of 20 000 kg/hm2 and 25 000 kg/hm2 and the chemical fertilization. When we applied 22500 kg mushroom residue per hectare, the crop was higher and leaves were more than other treatment, also the ear characteristics of row number, length, grains weight and 1000-grains weight were the best and the bald tip rate was lower, maize yield increased by 17.39% and 8.06%, respectively compared to no fertilization and chemical fertilization. At the same time, P. ostreatus residue returning was benefit to the accumulation of organic matter, inorganic nitrogen and available nutrients in topsoil. The higher the quantity of P. ostreatus residue, the higher the soil nutrient contents except organic matter, and the contents of soil available potassium, available phosphorus were higher than that of no fertilizer by 16.58%-34.98% and 45.70%-86.20%, respectively. The results indicate that 22 500 kg/hm2 is an ideal application for maize growth, ear characteristics, yield and fertilizer effect.
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