杨怀谷,李宝红,张洁,庄汝柏,李剑豪,黄翔.利用选择性清除方法鉴别影响太湖猪(二花脸、梅山猪)及野猪产仔数差异的SNP 位点[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(15):100-106
查看全文    HTML 利用选择性清除方法鉴别影响太湖猪(二花脸、梅山猪)及野猪产仔数差异的SNP 位点
SNPs loci identification for litter size difference of taihu pig (Erhualian, Meishan) and wild boar using selective sweep method
中文关键词:   产仔数  数量性状位点曰  遗传分化系数  信息通路
英文关键词: pig  litter size  QTL  Fst  pathway
杨怀谷,李宝红,张洁,庄汝柏,李剑豪,黄翔 广东省农科院动物科学研究所/畜禽育种国家重点实验室/广东省动物育种与营养公共实验室/广东省畜禽育种与营养研究重点实验室清远市龙发种猪有限公司袁 
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      母猪的繁殖性状是一个重要的经济性状,它由一系列主效基因或数量性状位点(Quantitative trait locus,QTLs) 控制。产仔数是母猪繁殖性状中最重要的考量指标之一袁找到影响产仔数的基因或标记有重要的经济及科研价值遥针对猪60KSNP芯片扫描结果,采用Genepop软件检测太湖猪(二花脸、梅山猪)及野猪每个SNP位点的遗传分化系数(Fst值),鉴别与产仔数相关的SNP位点。按照0.025%比例的原则挑选遗传分化系数最大的SNP位点,并将其所在基因及物理位置临近的2个基因提交到DAVID数据库进行GO(Gene Ontology)和KEGG(KyotoEncyclopedia of Genes and Genomes)分析。结果显示,关于猪产仔数最强的2个选择性清除信号位于猪8号染色体(SSC8)和13号染色体(SSC13)上。其中SSC13中检测到的2个SNP位点均位于IQCJ-SCHIP1基因内遥。SC8上的SNP位点位于NR3C2基因内,可能为新发现的SNP位点遥经KEGG分析,有2个基因位于赖氨酸合成通路中遥结果表明,利用选择性清除的方法,选择高产太湖猪、低产野猪这两个极端群体来鉴别影响产仔数的SNP位点,发现了新的SNP位点。IQCJ-SCHIP1、NR3C2基因及位于赖氨酸通路中的功能基因可能是影响母猪产仔数的候选基因。
      The reproductive performance of sow, controlled by some QTLs, is an important breeding trait reflecting production level and profitability of one piggery. It has essential economic and scientific value to find the major genes or marks of litter size trait. This research used Genepop software to calculate Fst value of each SNP based on Porcine SNP60 BeadChip of taihu pig breeds and wild boars, and to identify the relative loci for litter size. We selected some SNPs that the Fst values ranked before 0.025%, and then the annotated genes containing these SNPs or the bilateral genes were searched, and submitted to DAVID database to perform GO and KEGG analysis. Results showed that the most significant selective sweep signals located in SSC8 and SSC13. Two SNPs of SCC13 were found in IQCJ-SCHIP1 gene. One SNP of SSC8 was found in NR3C2 gene, having no overlap area refer to previous studies, which may be a new site regarding to litter size trait. Through KEGG analysis, there were two genes in Lysine synthesis pathway. The result indicated that using selective sweep method, we chose taihu pigs and wild boars to identify the SNPs loci influenced the litter size of sow, and found a new SNP site. IQCJ-SCHIP1 gene, NR3C2 gene and two genes in Lysine synthesis pathway could be the candidate genes about litter size.
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