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Tissue expression of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 gene in broilers
中文关键词: 肉鸡  PDK4基因  组织表达
英文关键词: broilers  PDK4 gene  tissue expression
张榕婧1,何小梅,闫景旭,韩琦琦,雷文龙,聂庆华,刘满清1 华南农业大学动物科学学院华南农业大学兽医学院广东省农业动物基因组学与分子育种重点实验室/农业部鸡遗传育种与繁殖重点实验室 
摘要点击次数: 1460
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      利用Real Time-PCR 的方法研究PDK4 基因在肉鸡中的组织表达规律尧在不同生长阶段的组织表达趋势及在不同生长速度肉鸡中的组织差异表达遥结果表明院渊1冤鸡PDK4 基因在肌肉组织渊包括腿肌尧胸肌尧心脏冤表达最高曰渊2冤肌肉组织PDK4 基因在12 胚龄的表达较低袁初生1 日龄时表达最高袁此后有所下降曰渊3冤在垂体尧胸肌尧心脏中袁PDK4 基因在杏花鸡中的表达高于白洛克鸡袁而在腿肌中的表达趋势相反曰胸肌中袁PDK4 基因表达在体重轻组中表达高于重组袁而在腿肌中的表达趋势相反遥
      Using the method of Real Time-PCR, this study investigated the tissue expression pattern of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (PDK4) gene in broilers, the tissue expression tendency in different growth stage of broilers and the differential tissue expression in broilers in different growth rate. The results showed that: (1) Chicken PDK4 gene was predominantly expressed in muscle tissues including breast muscle, leg muscle and heart. (2) The expression pattern of PDK4 gene in muscle tissues at different growth stages indicated that it was at a low level at 12 embryo age, and had thehighest primary body expression at 1 day, then it declined gradually. (3) In pituitary, breast muscle and heart, the expressions of PDK4 gene in Xinghua Chicken were higher than those in White Recessive Rock, which was reversed in leg muscle; in breast muscle, the expression of PDK4 gene in the light weight group was higher than that in high weight group,which was reversed in leg muscle.
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