查看全文    HTML 稀土矿场中土壤植物修复中的胁迫因子分析
Stress factors analysis for phytoremediation in rare earth mine soil after mined
中文关键词: 稀土矿场  两耳草  植物修复  胁迫因子
英文关键词: rare earth mine field  Paspalum conjugatum Berg  phytoremediation  stress factor
杨妙贤,董世超,丘海环,梁洪海,刘胜洪,周玲艳,梁红 仲恺农业工程学院生命科学学院 
摘要点击次数: 1476
全文下载次数: 522
      稀土矿的开采过程造成了矿区严重的生态系统破坏,使得开采后数十年植被生长不能恢复。为研究稀土矿场中影响植被生长的土壤主要胁迫因子,采用两耳草进行盆栽试验,在盆栽土壤中分别添加水分、大量元素、有机质、园土和鸡粪,比较不同因素对两耳草的叶片理化性质、酶活力和土壤细菌多样性的影响。结果显示,有机质组的两耳草游离脯氨酸含量最高,达到4.75 μg/g;水分组的叶绿素含量最高。叶绿素a和b分别为8.75μg/g和1.82μg;对照组和大量元素组的可溶性蛋白质含量最高,分别达到926.09μg/g和953.73μg/g;各组间可溶性糖含量差异不显著;稀土矿土壤提高了两耳草的过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的酶活力袁并且稀土矿土壤中添加水分、肥力和有机质等对两耳草酶活力有不同的影响;对处理组的土壤细菌进行细菌总数和相关序列扩增多样性(Sequence-related amplified polymorphism,SRAP)分析,发现鸡粪组的细菌总数最高、达到9.96×10^6CFU/g,菜园土组的土壤细菌多样性最高。因此认为,影响稀土矿场植物生长的主要胁迫因子是稀土矿土壤中的有机质、肥力和水分。
      Plant could not be recovered in several decades after the rare earth mine field destroyed seriously in the exploitation process. This study used the pot experiments, by planting the Paspalum conjugatum Berg in the pot, with adding water, major elements, organic matters, garden soil and chicken manure in the rare earth mine soil, respectively, then compared the effects of different influencing factors on the P. conjugatum physicochemical properties, enzyme activities and soil bacteria diversity. The results showed that, the content of free proline in organic matter group was 4.75 滋g/g, which was the highest among these experiment groups. The watering treatment had the highest chlorophyll contents, and the chlorophyll a and b were 8.75 滋g/g and 1.82 滋g/g, respectively. The soluble protein contents of control group and major element group were 926.09 滋g/g and 953.73 滋g/g, higher than those of other four groups. And the soluble sugar contents were non-significant in each group. The POD, CAT and SOD enzyme activites of P. conjugatum leaves were promoted by rare earth mine soil stress, which indicated that the soil added the water, fertility and organic matter affected the enzyme activities. We analyzed the total bacterial and SRAP in each group, found that the soil of chicken manure groupcontented 9.96伊106 CFU/g total bacterial, which was the highest among these groups, and the highest bacterial diversity was in garden soil group. The results indicated that the factors like water, fertility and organic matter affected the plant growth in rare earth mine field.
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