查看全文    HTML 山地果园便携式挖穴机的挖穴性能试验
Performance test of mountainous orchard portable earth auger
中文关键词: 山地果园  便携式挖穴机  振动  土壤回填率
英文关键词: mountainous orchard  portable earth auger  vibration  soil backfill rate
温威,洪添胜,欧阳玉平,李震,宋淑然,朱余清 华南农业大学南方农业机械与装备关键技术教育部重点试验室/国家柑橘产业技术体系机械研究室/华南农业大学工程学院 
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      为降低山地果园挖穴作业的劳动强度,提高挖穴效率,分析了山地果园便携式挖穴机整机结构和工作原理,并对挖穴机的挖穴性能进行试验,包括土壤坚实度试验、挖穴机振动试验及土壤回填率试验。结果表明,被测土壤的坚实度平均值为4.24 MPa;挖穴机携带直径为10、15、20和25cm钻头挖穴时土壤回填率分别为18.5%、19%、20.75%和22.75%,表明该机性能满足山地果园对挖穴作业孔径及深度的需求;便携式挖穴机工作过程中的平均振动加速度相对于手提式挖穴机减少了24%,且该振动直接传递到机架,不会存在手传振动引起操作者不舒适,表明该挖穴机可减轻作业时的劳动强度,提高安全性,适合长时间作业。试验结果为便携式挖穴机的进一步优化和推广应用提供了依据。
      In order to meet the requirements of mountain orchard digging operation, and to reduce labor intensity, and to improve working efficiency, this paper analyzed the whole structure and working principle of the portable earth auger and tested its performance. The experiments included soil hardness test, vibration test and soil backfill rate test. Experimental results indicated that the average soil hardness of the tested sample was 4.24 MPa. Soil backfill rate was 18.5%, 19%, 20.75% and 22.75% when the portable earth auger carried a bit with diameters as 10 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm and 25 cm, respectively. The average acceleration of the machine was reduced by about 24% when compared with the acceleration from using a portable dibbler. It showed that the performance of the portable earth auger meet the diameterand depth requirements of mountain orchard digging operation. The vibration was transmitted directly to the frame of the portable earth auger, thus there was no hand-transmitted vibration which made the operator feel uncomfortable. It also showed that the portable earth auger could reduce the labor intensity during digging operation, as well as could improve operation safety, which made it suitable for long-time operation. The test results could provide a basis for the promotion and optimization of the portable earth auger.
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