查看全文    HTML 发达地区农户小额信贷需求影响因素实证研究
An empirical research on the influence factors of the peasant household microfinance in developed areas
中文关键词: 发达地区农村  小额信贷需求  影响因素  二元Logitstic模型
英文关键词: the developed rural area  microfinance demand  influencing factors  binary Logistic model
杨仕晋 华南农业大学经济管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 1462
全文下载次数: 583
      This paper selects 490 peasant households from the rural area in Foshan, and investigates their microfinance demand and behavior. Also this paper examines the decisive factors of microfinance demand with binary Logistic model. The survey shows that farmers are active in the formal finance market in the developed rural area. Farmers are eager to the microfinance, and farmers who demand formal load highly accept the microfinance, furthermore, they hope to gain the training services about the microfinance. Compared to the farmers who usually use the credit capital to satisfy their living expenditure in poor rural area, farmers in developed rural area tend to use their credit capital on the productive investment. Farmers in developed rural area have larger amount of credit capital, but the satisfaction rate of credit demand is very low. The empirical analysis conclusions are as follows: the liveness of investment, education expenditure and the evaluation and knowledge of microfinance have significant positive effect on the farmers' microfinance demand in developed rural area, but the land acreage of family, the scale of investment, the annual incoming of family, the annual agricultural incoming of family and the value of fixed assets have significant negative effect on the farmers' microfinance demand in developed rural area.
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