查看全文    HTML 新生代农民工创业资源禀赋对创业机会的影响
Effect of entrepreneurial resources endowmentof new generation of migrant workers on entrepreneurial opportunities
中文关键词: 新生代农民工  资源禀赋  创业机会
英文关键词: new generation of migrant workers  resources endowment  entrepreneurial opportunities
罗军,戴育滨,谢炜煌 华南农业大学经济管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 1302
全文下载次数: 517
      The new generation of migrant workers who start up their entrepreneur has brought remarkable economic and social benefits, the resources endowment of them is the key element in the process of entrepreneurship, and has a very important impact on entrepreneurial opportunity identification. Therefore, Based on the data from the 202 new generation of migrant workers who start up their entrepreneur in Guangdong Province, from three dimensions inclualing human capital, social capital and economic capital, the study built the new generation of migrant workers resources endowment, established the structural equation model regarding the influence on the resource endowment to the entrepreneurial opportunitie ,including the influence of the entrepreneurial opportunity identification and innovation level. The results showed that, the human capital and social capital of the new generation of migrant workers tremendously improved their abilities in seeking for the entrepreneurial opportunities, while on the other hand, the economic capital did not correlate strongly with their abilities in seeking entrepreneurial opportunities. This may have certain relevance with the particularity of the given group:the new generation of migrant workers. In this paper, from a new perspective of resources endowment, to explore the influence mechanism of entrepreneurial opportunities has important significance for government to encourage farmers with entrepreneurship policy.
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