查看全文    HTML 气候因子对宁夏干旱、半干旱区天然草地第一性生产力的影响
Influence of climatic factors on natural grassland primary productivity in arid
中文关键词: 天然草地  草地初级生产力  影响因子  主成分分析
英文关键词: natural grassland  primary productivity of grassland  impact factors  principal component analysis
陈晶,兰剑,俞鸿千 宁夏大学西北退化生态系统恢复与重建教育部重点实验室 
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      为揭示影响宁夏天然草地初级生产力的主要驱动因子,对干旱区和半干旱区年均温度(℃)、4~9 月平均温度尧逸0益年积温(℃)、年降水量(mm)/4~9 月降水量(mm)/年蒸发量(mm)/湿润度、日照时数(h)以及无霜期(d)等影响因子进行了主成分分析。结果表明,影响宁夏干旱区草地初级生产力的最主要综合因素为水分因子、热量因子、光照因子和干燥因子,贡献率分别为50.17%、21.82%、11.84%和8.80%,其中热量因子为负效应,干燥因子的作用无足轻重曰影响半干旱区草地初级生产力的最主要综合因素为积温-光照因子和水分因子,贡献率分别为63.76%和31.50%,积温-光照因子为负效应。天然草地初级生产力的形成是自然因子综合作用的产物,其中水分是影响干旱区草地初级生产力的关键因素,积温、光照是影响半干旱区草地初级生产力的主要因素。
      To reveal main driving factors influencing the primary productivity of natural grassland in Ningxia, the principal component analysis of factors like average annual temperature, average temperature from April to September,accumulative temperature ≥0℃, annual precipitation (mm), April-September rainfall (mm), annual evaporation (mm), moisture, sunshine time (h) and the frost-free period (d) in arid and semi-arid areas was carried out. Results showed that factors influencing the primary productivity of arid grassland in Ningxia were moisture, heat, light and dryness, whose contribution rates were 50.17%, 21.82%, 11.84% and 8.80%, respectively. Of the factors above, heat had negative effects while dryness was unimportant; factors influencing primary productivity of semi -arid grassland were accumulative temperature-light, and moisture, whose contribution rate were 63.76% and 31.50%, moreover, the accumulative temperature-light factor had negative effects. Primary productivity of natural grassland is significantly affected by many factors. Among the factors, water plays the most important role in arid grassland. In contrast, accumulative temperature-light plays the most important role in the semi-arid natural grassland.
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