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Separation and identification of fusariumin banana planted soil
中文关键词: 香蕉枯萎病  镰刀菌  鉴定
英文关键词: banana fusarium wilt  fusarium  identification
黎永坚,陈远凤,喻国辉,陈燕红,戴宇光 珠海市农业科学研究中心珠海市现代农业发展中心 
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全文下载次数: 804
      利用PPA 培养基对粉蕉不同生长周期根际土壤中镰刀菌进行分离袁通过形态学和分子生物学对分离的 菌株进行描述与鉴定袁并分析粉蕉不同生长周期根际土壤中镰刀菌群落变化遥试验结果表明袁在粉蕉不同生长期根 际土壤中共分离出31 株镰刀菌袁经形态学和分子生物学鉴定袁31 株镰刀菌分属于茄病镰刀菌渊Fusarium solani冤尧尖 孢镰刀菌渊Fusarium oxysporum冤尧木贼镰刀菌渊Fusarium equiseti冤尧层出镰刀菌渊Fusarium proliferatum冤和串珠镰刀菌 渊Gibberella moniliformis冤遥随着粉蕉生长袁粉蕉根际土壤中可分离的镰刀菌种类表现出先上升后下降的趋势袁且菌株 种类逐渐稳定遥在生殖生长期袁由于受到枯萎病病原菌的影响袁土壤中镰刀菌种类产生显著变化袁菌株种类数量显著 增加遥
      In order to analyze the population variation of fusarium in banana rhizosphere soil collected in different growth cycle of banana, the fusarium was separated by PPA medium and identified by morphology and molecular methods. The results showed that 31 strains of fusarium were separated from rhizosphere soil collected in different growth cycle of banana, and were identified as Fusarium solani, Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium equiseti, Fusarium proliferatum and Gibberella moniliformis. Along with the growth of banana, the quantity of fusarium species increased first, then decreased. At the end of vegetative growth stage of banana, variation of fusarium species tended to be stable. But at the reproductive stage of banana, due to affected by the pathogen of banana fusarium wilt, the quantity of fusarium species increased greatly.
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