李秋月袁龙桂英袁巴良杰袁邝健飞袁陆旺金袁陈建业.不同物流条件对荔枝采后贮藏 期间果实品质的影响[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(16):96-99
查看全文    HTML 不同物流条件对荔枝采后贮藏 期间果实品质的影响
Effects of logistics condition on fruit qualityof postharvest litchi during storage
中文关键词: 荔枝  预冷  物流曰  贮藏  果实品质
英文关键词: litchi  pre-cooling  logistics  storage  fruit quality
基金项目:国家野十二五冶科技支撑计划项目渊2011BAD24 B02冤
李秋月袁龙桂英袁巴良杰袁邝健飞袁陆旺金袁陈建业 华南农业大学园艺学院/广东省果蔬保鲜重点实验 
摘要点击次数: 1502
全文下载次数: 801
      荔枝果实采后常温条件下贮藏极易褐变尧腐烂袁低温可以延长果实的贮藏期遥以妃子笑荔枝果实为试验 材料袁通过测定果实不同生理指标袁研究预冷和物流方式渊低温运输和常温运输冤对荔枝采后贮藏期间果实品质的影 响遥研究结果表明袁荔枝采后预冷且低温条件下运输能够较好地维持妃子笑荔枝贮藏期间的果实品质袁该方法明显 降低了荔枝果实的褐变指数尧腐烂率和相对电导率袁较好地维持了果实中的可溶性固形物渊TSS冤尧可滴定酸渊TA冤和 VC的含量遥研究结果为将来荔枝冷链物流技术的应用和改进提供数据支撑和理论依据遥
      After harvest, litchi fruit highly tends to become browning and decaying during storage at room temperature, while low temperature can prolong its storage time. In this study, using 耶Feizixiao爷fruits as materials, several physiological parameters were measured to investigate the effects of pre -cooling and logistics condition, including low and room temperature transportation, on postharvest litchi fruit quality during storage. The results showed that the browning index, decay ratio and relative electric conductivity were obviously reduced by pre -cooling combined with low temperature transportation. In addition, the decrease in contents of total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acid (TA) and VC was delayed. These results suggest that pre-cooling combined with low temperature transportation can maintain the quality of litchi fruit during storage. Together, our findings will provide data and theoretical basis for the application and improve cold-chain logistics technology of postharvest litchi fruit.
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