查看全文    HTML 一种高速插秧机悬挂机构的动力学特性分析
Dynamics analysis of a type of high speed transplanter hanging mechanism
中文关键词: 高速插秧机  悬挂机构  动力学分析  频率响应法  锤击法
英文关键词: high speed transplanter  hanging mechanism  dynamics analysis  frequency response method  hammering method
孙维方,郑相周,王涛 华中农业大学工学院 
摘要点击次数: 1286
全文下载次数: 592
      为了解悬挂机构动力学特性对农具使用稳定性的影响,结合动力学建模和振动试验测试两种研究方法,使用频率响应方法分析了一种应用于高速插秧机的典型平行四边形悬挂机构的振动来源和不同振动激励的影响,提出了一种理想情况下的阻尼特性,采用锤击法最终得到了其三阶振动的固有频率。结果表明:插秧机的基座激励频率主要集中在20~45、90~180 Hz 之间,其中发动机对于悬挂机构的激励频率范围为26~52 Hz;悬架机构三阶振 动频率中,第二阶、第三阶振动频率对其振动影响最大,其品质因子高达9 039.10、3 211.97 Hz。
      In order to understand the effects of the dynamics characteristics of hanging mechanismon the farm implement operational stability, two kinds of research methods, dynamic modeling and vibration test, were introduced. The frequency response method was designed to analyze the resource and the vibration response of a typical parallelogram hanging mechanism widely used in high speed transplanter. This paper introduced a theoretically damping characteristic under the ideal condition. Hammering method was used to get the top three natural frequencies for the hanging mechanism.The results showed that the base excitation frequency of transplanter mainly concentrated in the range of 20~45 Hz and 90~180 Hz. The engine excitation frequency approximately in the range of 26~52 Hz. The second order and third order vibration natural frequencies offered the largest influence on the vibration, the quality factor as high as 9 030.10 Hz and 3211.97 Hz.
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