查看全文    HTML 区域视角下的农户金融借贷需求实证研究———基于新疆不同地区的调查
An empirical study on financial credit needs of farmersfrom regional perspective——Based on investigation in different areas of Xinjiang
中文关键词: 区域农户  金融借贷  影响因素  Logistic 模型
英文关键词: regional households  financial demand  influence factors  Logistic model
王国宝,余国新 新疆农业大学经济与贸易学院 
摘要点击次数: 1578
全文下载次数: 610
      研究区域农户的金融需求现状对推动农村金融发展和提高金融服务水平有重要的现实意义。基于新疆不同地区农户金融需求状况调查,利用二元Logistic 模型分别对3 个地区农户金融借贷需求影响因素进行分析。结果表明,种植面积和参加合作社对3 个地区农户借贷需求均有显著影响,农业收入对发达地区和欠发达地区农户借贷需求有显著影响,文化程度仅对发达地区农户借贷需求显著正相关,年龄和劳动力仅对欠发达地区农户借贷需求显著负向关。
      The study on financial needs of regional farmers under the present situation has an important practical significance to promote the development of rural finance and improve the level of financial services. This paper conducts influence factors analysis on financial borrowing demand of household in three areas by making a survey about the financial needs of farmers at present situation and using binary Logistic model. The study result suggests that the planting area and participating in the cooperatives have significant positive influence on credit demand of three regional farmers. Moreover, agricultural income has a positive effect on farmers' borrowing needs in both developed areas and less developed areas, cultural degree level also effects credit demand significantly only in developed areas, and age and labor have significant negative on financial demand only in less developed areas.
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