查看全文    HTML 广州市湿地植被多样性及其保护研究
Research on biodiversity and protection of wetland vegetation in Guangzhou
中文关键词: 湿地植被  重要值  生物多样性  保护  广州
英文关键词: wetland vegetation  importance value  biodiversity  protection  Guangzhou
徐松浚,赵艳,李亮宇,徐正春 华南农业大学林学院华南农业大学经济管理学院 
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全文下载次数: 657
      采用线路踏查与样地调查法对广州市湿地植被进行研究,利用重要值、物种丰富度指数、Simpson 指数、Shannon-Wiener 指数和Pielou 物种均匀度指数进行多样性分析。结果表明,广州市湿地植被共125 科224 属362 种,优势科为禾本科、菊科和蝶形花科。沿海及海岸湿地植被以马唐、茳芏、芦苇和弓果黍为主;河流湿地植被以马唐为优势物种;人工湿地主要植被为荷花、马唐、狗牙根和弓果黍。各湿地类型植被多样性指标存在一定差异,其中物种丰富度指数依次为河流湿地>人工湿地>沿海及海岸湿地,其余3 项指标大小均为沿海及海岸湿地>河流湿地>人工湿地,但差异不显著。并提出湿地植被保护建议:以生态优先为原则;制定湿地可持续发展与保护规划;建立高效共管机制;加强湿地植被研究与监测,培养专业人才。
      Wetland vegetation biodiversity was investigated by the method of field investigation and analyzed with biodiversity indexes, including importance value, species richness index, Simpson index, Shannon-Wiener index and Pielou species evenness index. The results showed that there were totally 125 families, 201 genuses, and 334 species of wetland vegetation in Guangzhou, among which Poaceae, Asteraceae and Papilionaceae were the predominant families. For costal wetlands, Digitaria sanguinalis, Cyperus malaccensis, Phragmites australis and Cyrtococcum patens were the predominant species. For riverine wetlands, the predominant species were D. sanguinalis, Cynodon dactylon and Commelina communis. While the predominant species of constructed wetlands were Nelumbo nucifera, D. sanguinalis, C. dactylon and C. patens. The order of species richness indexes was riverine wetlands > constructed wetlands > coastal wetlands, while the other three indexes爷order was the same: coastal wetlands > riverine wetlands > constructed wetlands. But there was no difference among different indexes. At the end, some suggestions about wetlands vegetation protection were put forward. The suggestions included to make ecology priority as the principle, to formulate sustainable development and protection plan of wetlands, to establish efficient joint administration mechanism, and to strengthen the research and monitoring of wetland vegetation and train professional talents.
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