查看全文    HTML 银川平原芦苇群落植物种间关系研究
Study on the relationship of plant species in Phragmites australis community in Yinchuan plain
中文关键词: 芦苇群落  种间关系  银川平原
英文关键词: Phragmites australis community  interspecific relationship  Yinchuan plain
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41361095);宁夏财政补助2012 年林业科技专项
夏贵菊,何彤慧,赵永全,邓鑫,郭宏玲,段志刚 宁夏大学西北退化生态系统恢复与重建教育部重点实验室
摘要点击次数: 1408
全文下载次数: 525
      以银川平原芦苇群落作为研究对象,运用野外调查法对芦苇群落进行研究,采用x2检验和Spearman 秩相关分析检验研究银川平原芦苇群落的种间关联性,并对种间关联的结果进行生态分析。结果表明:银川平原芦苇群落主要的植物构成包括20 种18 属14 科。银川平原芦苇群落主要种群种间呈显著或极显著相关的种对数较少,仅占总种对数的47.89%,其中呈显著正相关种对数的只有20.00%,所占比例均较小,负相关及不相关的种对数占总的种对数的80.00%,所占比重较大。按照其分布的环境条件可划分为4 个生态种组,即水生植物种组、湿生植物种组、中生植物种组、中旱生植物种组。
      In this study, Phragmites australis community in the Yinchuan plain was taken as the research object, and the method of field investigation was carried out to study the interspecies relevance in the community by using x2 -test and Spearman rank correlation analysis method, and their ecological meanings. The results showed that the community mainly consisted of 20 species, 18 genera, 14 families. In the community, significantly or extremely significantly correlated specie pairs accounted for only 47.89%, and those significantly positively related specic pairs were smaller, only accounted for 20.00%; but negatively related or unrelated species pairs accounted for 80.00%. According to the environmental conditions, the species were classified into 4 ecological species groups which were aquatic species group, hygrophyte species group, mesophyte species group and meso-xerophytes species group.
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