查看全文    HTML 新疆环塔里木稀植果林间套种牧草生产初步研究
Preliminary study on forage grass production by interplanting in sparse planting orchard in Tarim Basin of Xinjiang
中文关键词: 稀植果林  套种  牧草  干草产量  土壤性状
英文关键词: sparse planting orchard  interplant  forage grass  hay yield  soil properties
刘晨,哈斯亚提·托逊江,艾比布拉·伊马木 新疆农业大学草业与环境科学学院/新疆草地资源与生态重点实验室 
摘要点击次数: 1828
全文下载次数: 602
      研究了南疆环塔里木特色林果产区果林行间套种生产牧草的干草产量、根系分布、营养品质及土壤相关性状,探讨林下套种牧草的生产可行性及对果园土壤的影响。结果表明:高大成龄香梨果林套种高羊茅、鸭茅、黑麦草和苏丹草干草产量分别为5.45、3.62、4.71、11.12 t/hm2;低矮红枣果林行间套种草木樨、大叶苜蓿、苏丹草、一年生黑麦草一年内可刈割3 次,其干草产量分别达到9.20、8.78、14.33、7.58 t/hm2,且供试牧草地下根量的90%以上都集中在20 cm 土层以内,果园生草后土壤有机质和氮磷钾含量均高于清耕区;稀植果林套种牧草可以保证一定的牧草产量和品质,对果林根层土壤性状无明显负面影响。
      To investigate the feasibility of interplanting herbage production under forest and the influence of interplanting on the orchard soil, herbage yield, root distribution, nutritional quality of forage grasses interplanting with fruit trees in Tarim special fruit producing areas of southern Xinjiang and its impact on soil orchard were studied. The results showed that, the herbage yield of tall fescue (Festuca elata), orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense) interplanted with mature pear fruit trees were 5.45, 3.62, 4.71, 11.12 t/hm2, respectively. Sweetclover (Melilotus suaveolens), alfalfa (Medicago sativa), sudan grass, Italian ryegrass (L. multiflorum) interplanted with jujube fruit trees could be mowed three times a year, the herbage yields reached 9.20, 8.78, 14.33, 7.58 t/hm2, respectively. More than 90% of the underground roots of all forages were concentrated within 20 cm of soil. Soil organic matter and total N, P, K content were higher than those in clean tillage area. Sparse fruit trees interplanted with forage grass could guarantee a certain herbage yield and quality, there was no obvious negative effect on soil properties of orchard root layer, and provide a scientific basis for the effective utilization of orchard.
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