查看全文    HTML 基于生态视角的粮食主产区利益补偿估算研究
Benefit compensation estimation of major grain producing areas from the perspective of ecology
中文关键词: 生态视角  粮食主产区  利益补偿  农作物固碳
英文关键词: ecological perspective  major grain producing areas  benefit compensation  carbon sequestration of crops
马玉波 广东科学技术职业学院行政管理系 
摘要点击次数: 1569
全文下载次数: 473
      为了更加有效地衡量粮食主产区发展粮食生产支付的成本,改变现行的与过去农业税计税面积挂钩的各项经济补偿方法提供帮助,采取从生态视角入手的方法,在虚拟水补偿、碳吸收补偿和土壤有机质含量下降补偿三者相结合的基础上,构建了粮食主产区利益补偿估算模型。利用全国最大的粮食生产省份黑龙江省2011 年的数据,带入估算模型得到了水稻、小麦、玉米、大豆的单位重量补偿金额,进而换算成单位面积补偿金额,对估算数据进行了简要说明,并对今后的进一步研究提出了展望。
      In order to assess the production costs in major grain producing areas effectively, provide help for the change of the economic compensation method which linked to agricultural tax area in the past, from the ecological perspective, interest compensation estimation model for major grain producing areas was constructed based on the combination of the decline in the virtual water compensation, carbon absorption compensation and soil organic matter content compensation. Using the data in 2011 in Heilongjiang province, the largest grain producing provinces in China, the amount of compensation for the unit weight of rice, wheat, corn, soybean through estimate model was obtained, and then the amount of compensation into the unit area was converted. The data were described briefly, and the further research in the future was put forward.
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