查看全文    HTML 中间香型烟叶不同生态区烤烟K326的烟叶质量分析
Analysis on tobacco leaf quality of K326 in different ecological zones of neutral flavor type
中文关键词: 烤烟  化学成分  感官质量  生态条件
英文关键词: flue-cured tobacco  chemical component  sensory quality  ecological condition
基金项目:黔西南州烟草公司项目“黔西南州”山地清甜香型烟叶特征特性研究(201101);国家烟草专卖局特色优质烟叶开发重大科技专项([2011]126 号,Ts-02-20110013)
罗永露,赵杰宏,苏贤坤,王丰 贵州大学农学院
摘要点击次数: 1575
全文下载次数: 629
      为探索烤烟主栽品种K326 在中间香型烟叶不同产区的质量特色,通过在六省渊市冤的主产烟区安排田间小区试验,分析各点烟叶的外观质量、常规化学成分和感官质量。结果显示,各地区烟叶外观质量,化学成分及感官质量均存在显著差异。烟叶的外观质量以遵义、武隆和蒙阴点较好;烟叶总糖、还原糖和糖碱比以遵义、武隆和旬阳点较协调;烟碱、总氮、氯和钾氯比在各试验点均比较适宜。钾含量以桑植、遵义含量较高(高于2.0%);中部叶评吸总分和香气质以武隆、遵义和桑植较高。综合而言,K326 作为6 个试验点的优质品种,其中遵义和武隆更加适宜K326 的生产。
      To analyse the equality and characteristics of the main tobacco cultivar K326 in different ecological zones of neutral flavor type, field tests were set up in six tobacco main growing areas to analyze the appearance quality, chemical components and sensory quality of its flue-cured leaves. The results showed that, the tobacco appearance quality, chemical components and sensory quality were significantly different in different tobacco areas. The appearance quality of K326 in Zunyi, Wulong, Mengyin was better . The tobacco total sugar , reduction sugar and sugar/nicotine were more appropriate in Zunyi,Wulong and Xunyang. The Nicotine, total nitrogen, Cl- and K+/Cl- were appropriate in all these sites. The content of K was higher in Sangzhi and Zunyi (more than 2%) . The taste score and flavor quality of cutters were higher in Wulong, Zunyi and Sangzhi. In summary, as the high quality variety in six pilot sites, K326 is more appropriate in Zunyi and Wulong.
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