查看全文    HTML 黑茶发酵优势菌对茶多酚的生物转化研究
Biotransformation of tea polyphenols by fungi isolated from dark tea
中文关键词: 冠突散囊菌  黑曲霉  根霉  茶多酚  生物转化
英文关键词: Eurotium cristatum  Aspergillus Niger  Rhizopus  tea polyphenols  biotransformation
黄秋桂,张灵枝,谭新东 华南农业大学园艺学院 
摘要点击次数: 1428
全文下载次数: 694
      In this study, Eurotium cristatum isolated from Fuzhuan tea and Aspergillus niger and Rhizopus isolated from pu-erh tea, were inoculated on the media with tea polyphenols as sole carbon source and fermented respectively. Tea polyphenols contents in different fermentation periods were determined. Results showed that the content of tea polyphenols significantly decreased with the fermentation time. The transformation rate of tea polyphenols in the fermentation broth of E. cristatum, A. niger, Rhizopus were 38.9%, 85.5%, 92.1%, respectively. The contents of flavonoids decreased first and then increased by A. niger and Rhizopus, and increased in Eurotium cristatum fermentation broth irregularly. Levels of epiglloctechingllte (EGCG), glloctechingllte (GCG), epictechingllte (ECG), ctechingllte (CG) significantly decreased by degradation, while levels of glloctechin (GC), ctechin (C), epiglloctechin (EGC), epicatechin (EC) and gallic acid (GA) increased first and then decreased under the influence of microbes. Theaflavins, thearubigins decreased and theabrownin increased by A. niger and Rhizopus. E. cristatum reduced the theaflavins and increased the content of thearubigins. It was necessary to study the biotransformation compounds deeply, because the biotransformations of tea polyphenols by different fungi were different in both quantity and quality.
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