查看全文    HTML 基于碳汇交易视角的东北内蒙古林区森林碳汇潜力研究
Research on carbon sink potential of forest region in the northeast and Inner Mongolia based on the perspective of carbon trade
中文关键词: 东北内蒙古林区  森林碳汇  碳汇潜力  碳汇交易
英文关键词: forest region of the northeast and Inner Mongolia  forest carbon sink  carbon sink potential  carbon trade
印中华,陆晨霞,刘巧儿 北京林业大学经济管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 1604
全文下载次数: 622
      中国最大的国有林区——东北内蒙古林区森林碳汇凭借其低成本、易操作、潜力大等独特优势,在固碳减排中发挥了重要作用。运用森林蓄积量扩展法,对2003要2011年东北内蒙古林区的森林碳汇潜力展开系统测算,在此基础上,根据国内森林碳汇交易价格,评估东北内蒙古林区森林碳汇的潜在价值。根据测算,2011 年东北内蒙古林区森林碳汇潜力高达25.52 亿t,表明东北内蒙古林区森林碳汇潜力较大。如果通过森林碳汇交易,东北内蒙古林区森林碳汇潜在价值将非常可观。然而,单位蓄积量的下降成为制约东北内蒙古林区森林碳汇增长的主要因素。基于此,从内部潜力和外部市场两个方面袁,出了促进东北内蒙古林区森林碳汇发展的政策路径;一方面,提高森林经营水平,增加单位蓄积量;另一方面袁推动森林碳汇交易市场化,实现森林碳汇潜在价值。
      Forest carbon sink of the northeast and Inner Mongolia forest areas, Chinese largest state-owned forest areas, plays an important role in carbon fixation and emission reduction with its low cost, easy operation, great potentiality and other unique advantages. This paper systematically calculated the potentiali of forest carbon sink of the northeast and Inner Mongolia forest areas from 2003 to 2011 with the method of forest volume extension. On the base, the potential value of forest carbon sink of the northeast and Inner Mongolia forest areas was evaluated in terms of the price of forest carbon sink. The result shows that the potentiality of forest carbon sink of the northeast and Inner Mongolia forest areas is huge.It’s estimated that the potential of carbon sink of the northeast and Inner Mongolia forest areas reaches up to 2.552 billiontons in 2011. The potential value of forest carbon sink of the northeast and Inner Mongolia forest areas will be hugethrough the trade of carbon sink. However, the decline of plantation stock has become the major restrictive factor in thegrowth of carbon sink of the northeast and Inner Mongolia forest areas. To avoicl this problem, this paper put forward the policy path to promote the growth of the carbon sink of Northeast and Inner Mongolia forest areas from the aspects of the internal potential and external market environment. On one hand, the plantation stock should be increased through the improvement of level of forest management. On the other hand, the trade of forest carbon sink should be promoted to realizeits potential value.
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