查看全文    HTML 海南昌江黎族自治县野生中药资源分布特征
Distribution of wild Chinese medical resources in Li autonomous county in Changjiang,Hainan
中文关键词: 药用植物资源  珍稀濒危植物  分布  昌江黎族自治县
英文关键词: medical plant resources  rare and endangered plants  distribution  Li autonomous county in Changjiang
基金项目:国家中医药管理局中医药公益性行业科研专项(201207002-03);国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAC18B04-3-1);2014 年海南大学中西部教学质量提升计划项目
冯丹丹,周文嵩,杨小波,李东海,何春生,戚春林,李剑碧,罗文启 海南大学热带作物种质资源保护与开发利用教育部重点实验室海南大学园艺园林学院海南大学环境与植物保护学院 
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      采用第4 次全国中药资源普查野生重点中药资源调查方法对海南昌江黎族自治县野生中药资源进行调查,通过海拔分布范围和出现频率分析了该县药用植物的分布状况及资源丰富度。结果表明,该县药用植物共179种,其中国家重点中药材42 种,海南重点药材20 种,少数民族民间常用的中草药117 种,表明该县不仅药用植物资源较丰富,而且民间常用中草药知识也较为丰富。药用植物的分布随海拔高度的变化相应地分为广幅种(9种,5%)、中幅种(48种,26.8%)和狭幅种(122种,68.2%),表明该县大多数的药用植物多为狭幅种。进一步分析表明,该县大多数药用植物种类(125 种)的出现频率与分布范围呈正相关,物种的出现频率越高,分布的范围越广;反之,分布的范围越窄。在对药用植物进行开发利用的同时,也要大力加强对野外珍稀濒危药用资源的保护。
      Using the method of the fourth survey of the national Chinese medical resources, the wild Chinese medical plant resources Changjiang county of Hainan were investigated. The distribution patterns and species richness of the wild Chinese medical plants were explored according to their altitudinal distributions and occurrence frequencies. Results showed that the Chinese medicinal plants in Changjiang country were attributed to 179 species, including 42 species of national key Chinese medical plants, 20 species of Hainan key Chinese medicinal plants and 117 species of Chinese folk herbal plants in the Li minoritie. This indicated that both the medical plant resources and folk herbal knowledges in this country were rich. The medical plants in this country could be classified into widely distribution species (9 species, 5%),generally distribution species (48 species, 28.6%) and narrowly distribution species (122 species, 68.2%), according to their distributions along the altitude. Occurrence frequencies of 125 plant species were positively correlated with their distribution ranges, indicating that the higher the plant occurrence frequency, the wider their distribution ranges. The result also indicates that it is needed to enhance the protection of rare and endangered wild medicinal resources when we develop and utilize the wild medical plants.
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