查看全文    HTML 荔枝皮提取物微囊的制备及稳定性研究
Study on the microencapsulation and stability of litchi pericap extractive
中文关键词: 荔枝皮提取物、喷雾干燥法、微囊、稳定性
英文关键词: litchi pericarp extractive  spray drying  microcapsule  stability
张蜀,王亚静,池絮影,李焕清,邓红,林华庆 广东药学院药物研究所/广东省药物新剂型重点实验室 
摘要点击次数: 1444
全文下载次数: 613
      为制备荔枝皮提取物微囊以提高其稳定性,以麦芽糊精和阿拉伯胶(3:1)为复合壁材采用喷雾干燥法制备微囊,以包封率及/或水分为指标,考察壁材种类、壁芯材比例、搅拌温度及时间、进风温度及速度、进料速度等因素对微囊制备的影响,通过正交试验优化得到最佳微囊制备工艺条件:搅芯壁材质量比1:5、固形物含量20%、搅拌温度35℃、搅拌时间0.5h;喷雾干燥参数院进风温度190℃、进风速度4.3 m/s、进料速度7 r/min,该工艺稳定可行。此外,以外观性状、多酚含量为指标考察微囊的稳定性,结果表明,将荔枝皮提取物制成微囊可明显提高其在光照、高温条件下的稳定性。
      To prepare the microcapsules of litchi pericap extractive and study its stability, the arabic gum and malt dextrin (3:1) were used as wall-materials, and the microcapsules were prepared by spray drying method. Several single factors such as wall-materials, the ratio of wall-materials to core, stirring temperature and time, blowing temperature and speed, feeding speed were studied by taking the encapsulation efficiency and moisture as indexes. Orthogonal experiments were carried out to gain an optimal process, which showed that the ratio of wall-materials to core was 1:5, the stirring temperature was 35℃ and time was 0.5 h, blowing temperature was 190℃ and speed was 4.3 m/s, and feeding speed was 7 r/min. Results indicated that this process was stable and reliable. Then the stability of microcapsules was studied on properties of appearance and polyphenols content, and the results showed that the microcapsules improved the stability of litchi pericarp extractive effectively under high temperatures and strong light conditions.
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