查看全文    HTML 锰元素对冬季迟缓期的艾纳香幼苗生物量和有效成分含量的影响
Effects of manganese on biomass and effective constituents contents in Blumea balsamifera in slow growth period of winter
中文关键词: 艾纳香  迟缓期  l-龙脑  总黄酮  生物量
英文关键词: manganese  Blumea balsamifera  slow growth period  l-borneol  total flavones  biomass
王丹,庞玉新,陈振夏,谢小丽,陈晓鹭,于福来,张影波,王凯 中国热带农业科学院热带作物品种资源研究所/农业部华南作物基因资源与种质创制重点开放实验室/海南省艾纳香工程技术研究中心 
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      以一年生艾纳香种子苗为试验材料,在冬季艾纳香生长迟缓期3 次施用锰元素,研究锰元素对冬季生长迟缓期的艾纳香生物量和有效成分含量的影响。结果表明:在冬季艾纳香生长迟缓期,施用锰元素可以显著促进艾纳香的生长和生物量的积累,显著提高总黄酮和l-龙脑的绝对含量。锰元素极显著提高了冬季生长迟缓期艾纳香的株高、地径、叶长和叶宽等生长指标,进而导致艾纳香叶、茎和根生物量的增加,其中以4 g/L Mn 处理的艾纳香叶生物量最高,极显著高于其他3 个处理;锰元素对艾纳香不同部位中总黄酮相对含量和叶片l-龙脑相对含量提高无促进作用或影响不显著,但是极显著增加了其绝对含量的积累,其中4 g/L Mn 处理下叶总黄酮绝对含量最高,其次是1、10 g/L Mn 处理,分别是对照的7.62、5.5、4.08倍;4 g/LMn 处理下叶片l-龙脑绝对含量显著高于其他处理。
      To investigate the effects of manganese (Mn) on biomass and effective constituents contents in Blumea balsamifera (L.) DC. in slow growth period of winter, the one-year-old B. balsamifera was applied with MnSO4·H2O in slow growth period of winter three times. The results showed that Mn significantly enhanced the growth indexes of the plant, especially the plant height, ground diameter, leaf length and leaf width. As a result, Mn extremely significantly increased the biomasses of leaves, stems and roots, respectively. The leaf biomass under 4 g/L Mn treatment was the highest, extremely significantly higher than that of other treatments. However, Mn could not enhance or affect indistinctively the relative contents of total flavones and l-borneol, but increased significantly the absolute contents of total flavones and l-borneol. The absolute content of total flavones under 4 g/L Mn treatment was the highest, followed 1 g/L 1 and 10 g/L Mn treatments, they were 7.62, 5.5 and 4.08 times compared with CK, respectively. The absolute contents of lborneol under 4 g/L Mn treatment was signifcantly higher than that of other treatments.
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