查看全文    HTML 纳米材料对纽荷尔脐橙保鲜效果的试验研究
Effect of nanomaterial on preservation quality of Newhall orange
中文关键词: 纳米材料  脐橙  贮藏保鲜  品质
英文关键词: nanomaterial  Newhall orange  storage  quality
吴黎明,蒋迎春,何利刚,王志静,仝铸,孙中海,吴述勇,陈卫国 湖北省农科院果树茶叶研究所秭归县特产技术推广中心武汉纳诺帕科技有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 1302
全文下载次数: 545
      研究不同的纳米材料(纳米保鲜网套、纳米单果包装袋、纳米保鲜果蜡、纳米保鲜液)在纽荷尔脐橙常温贮藏过程中的保鲜效果,分别对其外观指标、理化指标和抑菌机理进行分析。结果表明,纳米果蜡(NLT)和纳米保鲜液(NYT)较对照有一定的防治效果,前者好果率较对照高17.15个百分点,后者好果率达到90%,虽然两者对柑橘果实贮藏期颜色没有产生显著影响,但在贮藏中可使可滴定酸稳定在0.75%~0.90%之间,可溶性固形物含量在12.0%以上,固酸比值稳定在13:1和18:1之间,Vc保持在40~60 mg/kg之间,并显著抑制了失水率的上升,降低了果实的呼吸强度,较好地保存了果实品质。通过对纳米材料的抑菌效力测定,纳米铜、纳米银及纳米铜银混剂等处理对青霉菌均有一定的抑制作用,其中有效成分20μg/mL 的纳米铜、20μg/mL 的纳米铜和纳米银的混剂抑菌效果最好,76d抑制率高达99.8%,减缓了柑橘人工接种青霉菌的发生和发展,降低采后损失。但在纳米保鲜网套和纳米单果包装袋等复合材料中须进一步提高纳米离子的有效浓度,提高保鲜效果,并进行产品的开发利用。
      This paper studied the effects of different nanomaterials on preservation quality of Newhall orange during normal temperature storage. The nanomaterials included nano-net material, series of nano-per packaging bags, nano-fruit wax, nano -preservative solution. The sense detection, physical and chemical indexes, antimicrobial mechanisms were analyzed. The results showed that the nanomaterials including nano-fruit wax (NLT) and nano- preservative solution (NYT) could prolong storage life and significantly improve the quality of Newhall orange than the control. Intact fruit rate of the former was 17.15% higher than that of control, and the latter reached 90%, although the color of citrus fruit during storage period did not have a significant impact, but in the storage, the nanomaterial could make titratable acid steady at 0.75%-0.90%, the total soluble solid at more than 12.0%, the stable solid acid ratio at 13-18, Vc at 40 mg/kg-60 mg/kg, and significantly inhibited the water loss rate rise, reduced the respiration intensity of the fruit, and preserved fruit quality well. The best nano ion concentration of the nano-Cu and nano-Ag was 20 μg/mL, and its inhibition rate was as high as 99.8% after 76 days storage, and reduced the development of the artificial disease and postharvest loss. However, the nano ion concentration of the nanomaterials including nano -net and nano-per packaging bags should be increased in order to anticipate the preservation effect. These nanomateries would be produced into products and focused on their development and utilization.
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