查看全文    HTML 磷肥施用方法对滴灌水稻产量、养分吸收及运移的影响
Effects of phosphorus fertilization methods on rice yield,nutrient uptake and transportation under drip irrigation
中文关键词: 滴灌  水稻  磷肥  施肥方法
英文关键词: drip irrigation  rice  phosphorus  fertilization methods
曾胜和,尹飞虎,张磊,陈云,王国栋,高志建,梁飞,陈林 新疆农垦科学院农田水利与土壤肥料研究所新疆天业(集团)有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 1504
全文下载次数: 722
      To improve the fertilization technique of phosphorus (P) and provide basic theory for scientific fertilization of rice with drip irrigation under mulch, single factor randomized block design was used to study the effects of different P fertilization methods on the rice yield, yield structure, nutrient uptake and distribution characteristics at different growing stages, as well as the nutrient distribution in soil. The rice yield increased by 39.1% when the P was used at 40% base application and 60% drip fertilization. Plant's N and K contents were the highest at early growing stage. Plant's N, P, K uptake at tillering stage accounted for 30.72%, 19.31% and 22.32%, respectively. The N and P had the highest and weakest mobility, respectively, while K had the mobility between N and P. The N and K could be fully applied with drip irrigation, but the P should be applied mainly (60%) with drip irrigation and partially (40%) with base application.
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