查看全文    HTML 微生物多样性与普洱茶品质关系研究进展
Advance in relationship between microbial diversity and Pu'er tea quality
中文关键词: 普洱茶  发酵  汤色  香气  滋味
英文关键词: Pu'er tea  fermentation  liquor color  aroma  taste
高晓余,严亮,赵艳,相宏宇,谢秋宏 普洱茶研究院吉林大学生命科学学院普洱学院农林学院 
摘要点击次数: 1849
全文下载次数: 750
      普洱茶发酵过程中的微生物种类丰富多样,不同微生物对普洱茶品质的影响各异,微生物对普洱茶品质的影响主要反映在其对普洱茶汤色、香气和滋味物质的影响3个方面。已有微生物与普洱茶品质关系的研究不够深入和系统,普遍存在采样随机、样品量少、不具连续性和地域代表性、样品不能反映生产实际样品间的可比较性差、样品前处理方法不合理等问题。应进一步加强对普洱茶微生物学的基础研究,利用现代分子生物学方法和仪器 分析手段系统全面地研究地域、时期、工艺和贮藏年份等方面的差异与普洱茶风味品质间的内在关系,揭示微生物在普洱茶生产过程中的作用及机理,这对于提高普洱茶的产品质量有着重要的指导意义。
      There are rich and varied microbial species in the process of Pu'er tea fermentation, the influences of different microorganisms on Pu'er tea quality are different. Effects of fermentation microorganism on Pu'er tea quality are mainly showed in aspects of liquor color, aroma and taste. Existing research reports about the relationship between microorganism and Pu'er tea quality at present stage are far from systematic and deep, commonly exists problems including sampling randomly and a small amount, sampling discontinuity and no regional and actual production process representative, poor comparability between samples and unreasonable sample preparation method. Hence, the basic research of Pu'er tea microbiology should further be strengthened, comprehensive researches on the intrinsic relationship between the quality of Pu'er tea and region, period, process and storage years should be studied by using modern molecular biology method and instrument analysis methods, and the role and its mechanism of microorganisms in Pu'er tea production process would be revealed. It is of important guiding significance in improving Pu'er tea production quality.
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