查看全文    HTML 粤东针阔混交林与阔叶林植被比较研究
Comparative study on vegetation of coniferous broad-leaved mixed forest and broad-leaved forest in eastern Guangdong
中文关键词: 沟谷植被  针阔混交林  阔叶林  植物多样性
英文关键词: valley vegetation  coniferous broad-leaved mixed forest  broad-leaved forest  plant diversity
杨期和,邓文丽 嘉应学院生命科学学院 
摘要点击次数: 1805
全文下载次数: 653
      The coniferous broad-leaved mixed forest in Xiangshui, Longchuang County and broad-leaved forest in Wanlugu, Dongyuan County in eastern Guangdong province were taken as sampling areas, the structure and species diversity of the two communities were comparatively analyzed by using quadrat investigation. The results showed that there were 25 plant species belonging to 17 families, 25 genuses in the coniferous broad-leaved mixed forest in Xiangshui,Longchuang, while Theaceae, Pinaceae, Rubiaceae, Myrtaceae, Gleicheniaceae plants were dominant ingredients in this community. There were 32 plant species belonging to 23 families, 29 genuses in the broad-leaved mixed forest in Wanlugu,Dongyuan, while Araliaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Saxifragaceae, Rubiaceae plants were dominant ingredients in this community.The analysis on plant richness and Shannon-Winner index, Simpson diversity index, probability of inter-specific encounter and evenness index showed that the coniferous broad-leaved mixed forest in Xiangshui had a lower plant diversity, less uniform distribution of species and probability of inter-specific encounter than the broad-leaved mixed forest in Wanlugu,Dongyuan. Both of the communities were dominated by phanerophytes and had obvious tropical nature. The analysis on age-structure of dominant populations showed that the coniferous broad-leaved mixed forest were in a decline state while broad-leaved mixed forest were in a growth state.
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