查看全文    HTML 我国种业育繁推一体化产业链发展机制研究
Study on development mechanism of seed industry chain integrating breeding, multiplication and extension in China
中文关键词: 种业  育繁推  产业链
英文关键词: seed industry  breeding, multiplication and extension  industry chain
瞿小艳,熊银解 华中农业大学经济管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 1652
全文下载次数: 692
      种子是进行农业生产的源头,在农业生产中具有无可替代的作用。改革开放以来,随着我国种子市场的不断开放,我国种业发展中存在的问题日益凸显。通过借鉴典型国家种子产业的运营和发展模式,从产业链的视角出发,对我国现有种业产业链模式进行分析,指出我国种业主要存在产业链上各环节衔接不紧密,育繁推相互脱节;研发能力薄弱,市场监管不力,育种和经营环节运转效率低等问题。从体制机制创新尧研发能力和市场监管3 个方面提出相关政策建,以期促进我国育繁推一体化产业链模式的完善和发展,提升我国种业的国际竞争力。
      Seed is the source of and has irreplaceable role agricultural production in it. Problems of Chinese seed market are becoming more and more obvious with the increasingly deep opening in seed market since China’s reform. By referencing the operating and development model of typical national seed industry, from the perspective of industry chain, the seed industry chain mode in china is analyzed, the main problems of seed industry chain are pointed out: each relevant link has no close connection, the ability of research and development is short and the supervision of seed market is weak. Relevant policy suggestions on innovation of system, research capability and market regulation are put forward to develop and perfect the model of seed industry chain integrating breeding, multiplication and extension and improve the international competitiveness of our seed industry.
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